

Design and Empolder of Management Information Systems to Road Construction Base on WEBGIS

【作者】 徐喜平

【导师】 栾卫东;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 公路作为基础交通设施之一,直接关系到国民经济的发展。近年来,我国公路建设得到了迅猛发展,但是,公路工程施工管理模式并没有随着科学技术尤其是计算机及其网络技术的快速发展而同步发展,传统的公路工程施工管理模式亦然广泛存在,严重地制约了公路工程施工的有效管理。将GIS技术和网络技术应用于我国的公路工程施工建设中,是高效建设我国公路的一项重要的基础工程,是推进公路建设、管理现代化的重要手段之一。本文正是针对目前公路工程施工管理现状,结合公路工程施工管理的特点,提出了利用GIS及WEBGIS技术建立一个适合于某个项目的中小型管理信息系统的可行性和必要性。并沿着系统开发的路线,穿插的介绍WEBGIS相关知识,包括空间数据库、WEBGIS基本技术、网络发布技术,并结合实际设计与开发,从公路工程施工管理的角度阐述了WEBGIS在其中的应用,包括开发模式的探讨、空间数据库的建立、功能模块的设计与开发等。文章结合作者在该系统开发过程中的实际经验和解决的问题,对公路工程施工管理信息系统的设计与开发进行了相关的探讨,并对开发中的主要技术问题进行详细阐述,最后给出系统实现的总体结果,对系统存在的问题和取得的成果进行总结,并就系统未来的发展提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Road, one of the basic traffic facilities, directly concerns the development of national economics. Rcently, road construction of our country has been rapidly developing. But the management mode of the road construction has not relevantly developed along with the development of technology, especially computer technology and network technology. Outdated management mode of the road construction has been widely used. It badly restricts the effective management of the road construction. Applying GIS(Geographic Information System) technique to the road construction and management of our country is a high-efficient and important foundation works of building the backbone of national road of our country and is one of the important means to push road construction and management into modernization.Aim at the characteristic and the management actuality of the road construction at present. This Paper put forward the feasibility and necessary of seting up a moderate management information systems for a certain road construction item utilizing GIS and WEBGIS technique. Along the way of system empoldering, the paper introduce the knowledge of WEBGIS including the spatial database, basic technique of WEBGIS, network- issuance .With the actual design and empoldering of this system, this paper expatiate the applying of WEBGIS on this system, including discussion of empoldering mode, founding of the spatial database, designing and empoldering of function module from the aspect of the management of road construction .This paper discusses something about management information systems of road construction based on the practical experience with system developing and problem resolving, and describes some main developing technical problems. In the end, this paper gives the system result and summarizes the problems exsiting in the system and achievements with the system and brings forward a few advices for the development of the system in the future.

【关键词】 公路施工WEBGIS管理信息系统
【Key words】 road constructionWEBGISmanagementinformation systems
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】U415.1;P208
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】189
  • 攻读期成果

