

Research on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Geotechnical on Band of Xi’an Ground Fissures

【作者】 王志刚

【导师】 李新生;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 上世纪七十年代以来,受自然和人为因素影响,西安市区出现了十余条危害严重的地裂缝,这些地裂缝成为西安地铁建设和运营的重大安全隐患。因此,西安地铁隧道穿越地裂缝带问题就成了一个全新的工程难题,引起了学术界和工程界的高度重视。本文以西安地铁一号线穿越地裂缝活动带为研究依托,就西安地铁一号线沿线地裂缝活动特征及其影响进行了深入的分析,并采用室内土工试验和原位测试试验相结合的方法,对地裂缝带岩土物理力学性质进行了探讨,以便为西安地铁穿越地裂缝带的结构措施设计和施工提供参考。首先,本文阐述了西安地裂缝的基本特征和活动特征。在此基础上,着重就西安地铁一号线沿线地裂缝活动特征及其影响进行了分析。同时总结了西安地裂缝对城市建设的工程危害和西安地裂缝的灾害特征。其次,选取了与地铁一号线相交的劳动路f3、莲湖路f3、f朝阳门、康复路f4、幸福路口f5和纺北路f6地裂缝作为具体研究对象,通过大量室内土工试验和静力触探、标准贯入等原位测试试验,获得了一系列翔实、可靠的地裂缝带岩土物理力学性质的现场资料和试验数据。最后,对室内土工试验和原位测试试验得出的物理力学指标和参数进行了深入的对比分析,并且以等值线图的形式呈现,表明西安地裂缝带岩土的物理力学性质存在明显的差异,特别在地表以下15m、平面宽度20m范围内差异最为显著,具体表现为地裂缝上盘与下盘相同地层相比:上盘岩土含水率明显偏大,干重度偏小,抗剪强度指标明显降低,并且随深度的增加,地裂缝带上、下盘岩土物理力学性质的差异逐渐减小。

【Abstract】 Since 1970s, there are several ground fissures appearing in Xi’an area, as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors. Xi’an subway acrossing ground fissures will bring out security threat on construction and operation of it, which become a new engineering problem, arising a great attention from engineering and academia.The author analysied the characteristics and the impact of the ground fissures of Xi’an Subway along the line, under the support of Xi’an Metro Line-1 through the ground fissures zone activitly, through the laboratory-scale soil test and testing soil in original position for studying the physical and mechanical properties of the ground fissures. This paper provide references for the structural measures designed.First of all, this paper described the basic characteristics and activities of the ground fissures in Xi’an. Basing on that, the activities characteristics and the impact of the ground fissures of Xi’an Subway along the line were analyzed. At the same time, it is summed up that hazards of the urban construction and the characteristics of disaster in Xi’an ground fissures.secondly, This paper has the intersection of the subway and he ground fissures as its research object , selecting labor f3, Lianhu Roadf3, Chaoyang Gate and rehabilitation Road f4, the well-being of North Road at the junction f5 and f6. By spinning and geotechnical drilling on both sides of the ground fissures with a large number of samples for geotechnical testing and indoor CPT such as in situ standard penetration tests, a great deal of data were achieved substantially and credibility.Finally, the physical and mechanical parameters of the laboratory-scale soil test and testing soil were in-depth Comparative analysised, and the form of a chart showed that the Xi’an ground fissures with physical and mechanical properties of rock and soil are significant differences on the 15 meter of below of the surface of the earth and in 20 meter of width of the surface of the plane specially. The same of stratum on the hanging and lower walls of ground fissures were contrasted with the high of water content and the low of dry unit weight and the fall of shear strength in evidence. And the different of the physical and mechanical properties of he hanging and lower walls of ground fissures zone is lower with the increase of depth gradually.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】P642.26
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】131

