

Development and Achievement of Three-dimensional Visualization in Digital Oilfield Based on Skyline

【作者】 王钰

【导师】 马智民;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 三维地理信息系统(3DGIS)作为数字地球的解决方案之一,理论和技术发展日臻完善。而“地上地下一体化的实现”作为“数字油田”的目标之一,迫切需要一套理论成熟、数据模型实用的技术来支撑实现其具体业务应用。而3DGIS由于其良好的海量、多源、异构数据融合能力和直观的三维可视化表现方式,十分适合于作为油田地面三维可视化的解决方案。通过调研分析,在3DGIS的实现技术上,美国Skyline公司的TerraSuite系列产品,由于其架构灵活、接口开放、二次开发能力强等特点,本文认为适用于作为实现油田地面三维可视化的基础平台。本文针对油田地面对象实体地理分布范围广、业务数据来源多样、基础地理数据海量等特点,给出了基于Skyline技术构建油田地面三维可视化上层应用这一问题的具体解决方案。通过研究Skyline技术实现的理论支撑和技术体系,充分挖掘了油田行业实际需求特点,在应用层面上,开发出了业务逻辑模块,实现了油田地面三维可视化的目标。本文所做的工作主要包括:(1)体系结构设计:由于油田行业的应用具有分布式特点,因此,在体系结构设计上考虑了本地与网络数据存储相结合方式,降低了系统对本地计算机硬件的要求;采用多层数据库技术,解决了静态地标数据与动态业务数据的灵活关联问题;采用流方式的矢量数据的加载方式大大降低了一次性系统资源的消耗,提高了用户体验;通过标准化项目对象实体组织方法,成功解决了系统打包后的模型错位问题,实现了团队协作开发;(2)业务模块开发:通过分析和挖掘油田地面三维可视化需求,开发了三大类业务模块:①三维空间动态布井设计模块;②地理地质信息一体化应用模块;③应急预案指挥分析模块。(3)可视化模型实现:在可视化三维建模表现方面,实现了RS-SU-TE的模型设计流程,提高了系统建模效率;通过地物属性构建、多级纹理映射和多细节分层(LOD)等技术实现了模型的优化。可以有效地满足系统对海量模型的支持,并保证系统运行的效率和对稳定性的需求。本文基于Skyline技术成功地搭建了油田地面三维可视化应用软件平台,系统可实现基础地理信息与油田各类地物实体及相关信息的三维多源数据融合;油区地面工程信息及周边地形地貌的漫游、分析。并研发了在三维可视化环境下适合油田生产实际需求的布井、地质应用、应急指挥等模块,本文的成果可以有效地提高油田勘探、开发与管理的技术水平和实际效果。

【Abstract】 Three-dimensional Geographic Information System (3DGIS) ,which is one of the effect solutions of Digital Earth, has improved its theory and technology. As one of the aims of the Digital Oilfield is the realization of the integration of the ground-underground, is in an urgent need to a set of mature theories, practical data models to support and to achieve their specific business applications. 3DGIS, with the ability of massive, multi-source, integration of heterogeneous data and intuitive of three-dimensional visualization , is very suitable for the solution of ground-based three-dimensional visualization in the Digital Oilfield. Through research analysis, the United States TerraSuite series of Skyline’s products is good for the realization of 3DGIS, due to its flexible architecture, interface open, the secondary development of features is convenient. So this paper argues that this method is a suitable platform to realize the three-dimensional visualization in oil field.In this paper gives a specific solutions to constructing a 3D oil field which based the technology of Skyline and according to the characteristics of oil field. Such as the wide spread of oil field features, a wide range of diverse sources of business data, such a mass geographic data etc. By studying the theory of technology and the support systems of Skyline, the author fully exploit the actual demand in oil industry and developed the business logic modules in the application level. Finally, achieved the goal of a 3D oil field.The main work in this article includes:(1) Architecture Design: As the characteristics of distributed applications in oil industry, the system used the means of local and network data storage to reduce the requirements of the local computer hardware; Multi-database technology to solute the relationship of static data and dynamic landmark data; Using the stream mode by loading vector data greatly reduces the one-time consumption of system resources and improve the user’s experience. Through the methods of project standard organization, successfully solve the problem of dislocation after packing, and then achieve the development teamwork;(2) Business Module Development: According to the demand in 3D oil field, the system developed three major categories of business modules, such as dynamic three-dimensional design wells module; The integration of geography and geology information module; Analysis of contingency plans for the command module.(3) Achievement of 3D model: On 3D model performance, the system achieves the RS-SU-TE process and improves the efficiency of the system modeling; by using the technology of modify the properties of the construction features, multi-level texture mapping and multi-layered detail (LOD) techniques to achieve optimization of the model. In this way can effectively meet the needs of the mass model and to ensure the demand of system efficiency and stability.This article which is based Skyline technology set up a 3D oil field platform successfully, achieve the fusion of geographic information and multi-source data, provide the functions of roaming and analysis in a 3D oil field. And develop suitable module for the actual demand in oil field. The results of this paper can effectively improve the oil field exploration, development and management of the technical level and the actual results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

