

Comparative Study on Weight-calculating Charge about Highway

【作者】 赵惠卿

【导师】 芮夕捷;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上收费公路数量最多的国家,随着全国各省市逐步开始采取计重收费治理超限运输,计重收费以一种全新的收费模式出现在道路运输行业,由于我国各省的发展速度快慢不同,因而各个省都是根据各自的省情来制定收费标准,所以计重收费出现了多元化的模式,这种模式虽然适应了地区经济发展水平的差异性,但是也有其缺点,这就使得对计重收费这种模式进行研究显得重要。本文首先对确定计重收费标准的影响因素和理论进行比较研究,继而对国内外实行计重收费的情况做了比较分析,最后对我国国内各省市自治区的计重收费标准做了对比研究,分析了它们的相同点与差异点,通过比较,指出了我国高速公路在实施计重收费的过程中存在的理论与现实问题,且对这些问题提出了相应的解决对策。最后,论文针对以上分析,总结出了论文的研究成果以及研究结论:目前指导计重收费实践的理论——经济成本补偿理论、阻塞成本补偿理论、道路级差效益理论,都不是一个完备的计重收费理论。为了使我国计重收费的实践趋于规范统一,应当在全国范围内对其展开系统调查与研究,以适应计重收费实践的需要。在计重收费的研究中,应当充分的考虑到车辆行驶速度、公路交通量、道路级差效益等因素。目前各省在计重收费的实施过程中做法不一,但各省又都有各自的依据。究其原因,我国在不同的时期、不同的情况下出台了有关计重收费不同的法律法规,而这些法律法规又不尽统一。这种不统一不利于形成竞争有序的运输市场,为此应当加快计重收费相关的法律法规研究以促进运输市场的有序竞争。

【Abstract】 Our country has become the largest number of turnpikes in the world, with the provinces and cities gradually start to take weight-calculating charge to manage the overload transportation, weight-calculating charge as an entirely new mode appears in the road transportation, because of the different speed of development in every province, so provinces draw up the standard charge are in accordance with their respective situations, so there are several modes appeared in weight-calculating charge. Although these modes adapted to the differences by levels of economic development in the regions. It has its disadvantages, which makes the study on this mode weight-calculating charge become more important.This article focuses on comparative studying on the influencing factors and theory about determining the weight-calculating charge, and then make a comparative analysis of weight-calculating charge in foreign countries and our country, finally the article focuses on the comparative study on standard charge about provinces and cities and autonomous regions in our country, analyzes the same and the different, by comparing, finds the real problems in weight-calculating charge of highway in our country, at the same time, find the corresponding solutions,Finally, for the above analysis, summed up the results of study, and the conclusion of thestudy: At present, the guidance of the theory of weight-calculating charge------theory of theeconomic costs of compensation、obstruction theory of the cost of compensation、theory of differential effectiveness of the road, they are not a complete theory of weight-calculating charge. In order to make the practice of weight-calculating charge tends to regulate, we should carry out it by investigation and study in the country, in order to adapt to the needs of weight-calculating charge. In the research on the weight-calculating charge, we should fully take into account the factors such as the speed of vehicles, road traffic, and differential effectiveness of the road. At present, provinces carry out the weight-calculating charge different and have their own basis. The reason is that our country carried out the laws and regulations about weight-calculating charge under the different times and the different circumstances, at the same time, the laws and the regulations which are not uniform. This is not benefit for the formation of a unified competitive and orderly market in the transport, for which we should be to speed up the research on laws and regulations about the weight-calculating charge, make them facilitate the market competition orderly in transportation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

