

Study of Cement Concrete Pavement with Stress Absorbing Layer

【作者】 连静

【导师】 陈忠达;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 材料学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,水泥混凝土路面的诸多病害影响着其使用寿命。水泥混凝土路面承受车辆荷载的反复作用,当车辆荷载超过路面的承受能力时就会对路面的结构造成影响,导致整个路面板,甚至基层的破坏。通过研究发现设置应力吸收层的水泥混凝土路面结构,对提高水泥混凝土路面的使用品质、改善路面的工作状况、延长路面的使用寿命、降低水泥混凝土路面全寿命费用具有重要意义。本文通过对水泥混凝土路面的现状、破坏形式以及破坏机理分析,发现水泥混凝土路面在大流量交通和车辆反复荷载作用下,由冲刷、疲劳和磨损破坏引起不同程度的路面破坏形式,而冲刷破坏是水泥混凝土路面最主要的也是最严重的一种病害,其表现形式为唧泥、错台和板底脱空等病害,是诱发断板和网裂最主要因素,对此本文开展水泥混凝土路面合理结构型式的研究,分析了应力吸收层的功能特性。在路面板与半刚性基层之间设置应力吸收层可以减弱通过水泥混凝土路面板传递给应力吸收层的车辆荷载所产生的冲击振动,具有应力吸收的功能;可以有效阻止路表水下渗造成的基层冲刷破坏;可以隔离混凝土路面板与基层的粘结,预防路面板在较大的温度翘曲变形和应力作用下造成板底与基层顶面的脱空现象;可以减少基层由于干缩裂缝和温缩裂缝引起的反射裂缝;在基层顶面设置应力吸收层,还可以减小层间的摩阻力,避免硬化后的路面板应力集中而产生断板。利用沥青混合料的级配设计理论和方法,设计了应力吸收层混合料级配;根据应力吸收层的功能特性,开展YF型沥青混合料研究,其空隙率限制在2%以内,油石比宜控制在6.5~7.5%之间,其中YF-5型沥青混合料适应厚度为2cm的应力吸收层、YF-10型沥青混合料适应厚度为3cm的应力吸收层。提出应力吸收层及其组成材料的技术要求。进行了应力吸收层的性能检验,通过冻融劈裂试验、常温等速拉伸试验和渗水试验说明应力吸收层具有良好的路用性能。提出了应力吸收层的施工技术方法,并且通过应力吸收层的应用效果分析,说明水泥混凝土路面合理结构型式可以达到延长水泥混凝土路面疲劳寿命之目的,具有工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 A long time, the cement concrete pavement disease affects many of their useful life. Cement concrete pavement under repeated loading the role of vehicles, when the vehicle load over the bearing capacity of the road when on the road affect the structure of the whole pavement, and even the destruction of the grass-roots level. The study found through a wide range of settings stress absorption layer structure of cement concrete pavement, cement concrete pavement to improve the use of the quality of the work to improve road conditions, to extend the service life of pavement, cement concrete pavement to reduce the cost of the entire life of great significance.Based on the current situation of cement concrete pavement, the mechanism of failure and damage analysis of concrete pavement was found in the repeated flow of traffic and vehicle loads from erosion, fatigue and wear damage caused by varying degrees of damage to the form of roads, and erosion damage cement concrete pavement is the most important one of the most serious diseases, in the form of mud pump, wrong platform and board at the end of disease from air is induced split off the main board and network element in the cement concrete pavement in this article to carry out reasonable structure research. Stress analysis of the functional characteristics of the absorption layer, the road version with the semi-rigid layer between the stress can be reduced through the cement concrete pavement layer to absorb the stress transmitted to the vehicle by the impact of load vibration to absorb the functions of stress; can Table effective way to prevent infiltration caused erosion damage to the grass-roots level; can be isolated concrete panels bonded with the grass-roots, prevention of pavement temperature in the larger role of warpage and stress caused by the end plate and the top surface of the grass-roots phenomenon from outer space; can effectively prevent the grass-roots level have a shrinkage temperature shrinkage cracks and cracks in the pavement after the expansion, the formation of reflection cracks; set up in the top surface of the grass-roots level stress absorbing layer, but also can reduce the friction between layers to prevent hardening of the pavement after the stress concentration and have a broken board. The use of asphalt mixture gradation of design theory and methods, designed to absorb the stress grading layer mixture; stress-absorbing layer according to the functional properties, to carry out asphalt mixture YF-based research, the void fraction less than 2 percent limit, oilstone than desirable controlled between 6.5 ~ 7.5%, which YF-5-type of asphalt mixture to adapt to 2cm thick layer of stress, YF-10-type of asphalt mixture to adapt to a thickness of 3 cm layer of stress. Stress-absorbing layer to the composition of the material and its technical requirements. A stress test the performance of the absorption layer, through the freeze-thaw fracturing tests, room temperature tensile test and isokinetic test that water stress absorbing layer has a good road performance. Stress-absorbing layer made of the construction techniques, through the application layer to absorb the effect of stress analysis, setting of cement concrete pavement stress absorbing layer can be achieved to extend the fatigue life of concrete pavement purposes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】U416.216
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】299

