

【作者】 陈昉

【导师】 马贵翔;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 公诉变更制度作为现代公诉制度的一项重要内容,使得刑事诉讼在控审分离的格局下,仍然能够应对情况、证据的变化,及时修正起诉指控存在的错漏,对于实现实体正义和程序公正、准确而有效率地惩罚犯罪、维护社会秩序具有重要的意义。公诉变更制度的设置,关系到公诉权与审判权的配置与制衡关系,影响到当事人的诉讼权益。然而,对于这项重要的诉讼制度,我国现行刑事诉讼法的规定尚付诸阙如,目前司法解释虽对公诉变更有所规定,在一定程度上弥补了刑事立法的缺漏,然而因部门本位的先天不足和系统规制的缺乏,导致在司法实践中产生了诸多问题,有悖于程序法定原则,对打击犯罪和保护人权两方面都产生不利影响。理论界,我国学者对公诉变更制度也关注不多,缺乏制度上的通盘考虑和法理上的深度分析。有鉴于此,面对我国在公诉变更制度方面存在的立法缺位和研究不足的状况,对公诉变更制度进行系统的研究具有较大的现实意义。本文首先从厘清公诉变更权的概念、内容、性质、特征入手,阐明了公诉变更制度的价值和法理基础,在理论上进行了系统研究。随后运用比较分析、实证分析等研究方法,比较分析了世界主要国家对公诉变更的模式、范围和程序规定的立法特色,从发展历程、现行模式对我国公诉变更制度进行了实然考察,并结合工作实际,对我国现行公诉变更制度运行中存在的问题进行了列举和原因分析。最后,本文在立足于我国司法体制、诉讼传统和价值观念、同时汲取他国经验的基础上,对建构我国公诉变更制度进行了初步规划和展望。从权力配置的角度,提出应当确立以检察机关享有公诉变更决定权、同时接受法院司法审查和建议的公诉变更模式,并就公诉变更的范围条件、期限限制、变更方式、权力制约、辩方防御、效力后果、后续处理以及完善法院变更建议权方面,对建构我国公诉变更制度提出了具体设想及立法建议。

【Abstract】 As an important part of modern public prosecution system , the criminal trial in the control of pattern separation, will still be able to cope with the situation, the evidence of changes in a timely manner the existence of amendments to the prosecution of alleged mistakes in the entity for the realization of justice and procedural fairness, accuracy and efficiently to punish crime, maintaining social order of great significance. Indictment to change the system settings, related to the indictment, the jurisdiction of the configuration of power and relations with the checks and balances, the impact of the litigation rights of the litigants. However, the proceedings of this important system, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure in our country is still lacking, although the current judicial interpretation of the indictment in relation to change, to a certain extent make up for gaps in the criminal legislation, but from department to department-based deficiencies and system, the lack of regulation, resulting in judicial practice have had many problems, contrary to the principle of statutory procedures, the fight against crime and the protection of human rights on both sides have a negative impact. Theorists, on the indictment of China’ s scholars have paid little attention to change the system, the lack of a comprehensive system design and depth of legal analysis. In view of this, in the face of our country in the indictment to change the existing legislative system and lack of lack of status, change the system of public prosecution system has a greater practical significance.This article first indictment from the authority to make alteration of Public Prosecution to clarify the concept, content, nature and characteristics of, the indictment set out to change the value system and legal basis, in theory, a systematic study. Followed by the use of comparative analysis, empirical analysis, research methods, comparative analysis of the Two Legal indictment major alteration to the characteristics of the relevant legislation and theoretical point of view, from the development process, the existing model of our system of public prosecution to change the actual likelihood inspection, combined with the work of the actual indictment of our country to change the existing system operation problems in the enumeration and analysis.Finally, this article, based on China’ s judicial system, litigation and traditional values, at the same time learn from the experience of other countries on the basis of the indictment to change the system construction of China conducted a preliminary planning and prospects. Configuration from the perspective of power, the prosecution should be established in order to enjoy the indictment to change the decision-making power, at the same time to accept the jurisdiction of the courts to review and change the mode of the proposed indictment and indictment of the legislative system to change, duration of restrictions on the conditions of the subject, change the way power, defense defense, the effectiveness of the consequences of treatment and follow-up recommendations to improve the court the right to change the indictment to change the system construction of China put forward specific ideas and legislative proposals.

【关键词】 公诉变更撤回
【Key words】 public prosecutionalteration of public prosecutionwithdrawal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】160

