

Description and Verification about Advisory Council in Sichuan during the End of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 韩永适

【导师】 田利军;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪末20世纪初,中国民族资本主义获得了初步发展,为资产阶级立宪派的产生奠定了经济基础。随着西学东渐的扩大,新式学堂纷纷建立,出国留学日益增多,具有资产阶级民主政治思想的新的知识分子群体出现。日俄战争中日胜俄败加速了中国的资产阶级立宪运动。十九世纪末二十世纪初,帝国主义掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮,资产阶级革命派不断发动武装起义,广大人民的抗捐抗税斗争此起彼伏。清政府为了维护摇摇欲坠的统治,颁布上谕:“预备仿行立宪”在中央建立资政院以作将来议会之基础,在建立资政院之前,在各省建立代议机关---谘议局。四川谘议局在这样的背景下建立。在四川总督主持下,建立了四川谘议局筹办处,制定筹办处章程,规定选举资格和条件,筹措选举经费,组织选民资格调查,进行初选和复选。四川谘议局成立后,积极地参政和议政。提出和议决了大量的议案,涉及财政税收、实业、法律、教育、盐务等等,并设法监督其实施。由于总督依靠中央政府的支持和利用钦定章程的模棱两可作有利于行政官厅的解释,最主要的是督府掌握行政大权,对己不利的议案不予公布施行,或施行不力。但是四川谘议局充分利用《局章》赋予的权力,与四川地方行政官厅作不懈的斗争。在很大程度上维护了四川地方民众的利益。四川谘议局存在期间还积极地参与国会请愿运动,在国会和平请愿失败后,倒向革命,领导保路运动,为保路武装起义作了重要铺垫,从而加速了四川辛亥独立的步伐,为四川地方民主政治乃至中国民主政治的发展奠定了一定的基础。

【Abstract】 In the late 19th century early 20th century ,national capitalism gained the initial development , the emergence of the bourgiois congstitutional faction laid the econemic foundation . with the expansion of Western Learning , new schools have been established ,a growing number abroad ,with bourgeois democratic ideology of the intellectuals of the new emerging groups . In Russo-jepanese War , Sino-jepanese defeating Russia wins the bourgeoisie led to the constitutional movement in china .“Xin Chou Treaty”signed , the imperialist carve up china set off the craze and the bougeois revolution has been mobilizing to send an armed uprising , the majority of the people of the struggle against summoning here to donate . The Qing government in order to protect the faltering rule , promulgated decree :“preparatory constitutional suit ,”construct providing policy council to establish the basis for the future parliament , before the establish representative body consultution kuk---Sichuan Advisory Council to the establishment of such a background . under the auspices of the Governer of Sichuan , the establishment of the consultative council for organizing in Sichuan , the development of the organizations and conditions for the election ,the election expenses incurred in finacing , organizing the survey of voters eligible to conduct rimaries and check . Sichuan after the establishment of consultation kukactive in politics and government . Raised and resolved a lot of motion , invoving finace , taxation , industral , legal , education , sait , etc . and to try to oversee its implementation . Make full use of“Bureau”,the powers conferred by the district administrition Guanting Sichuan unremiting struggle . Schuan ,in large measure to safeguard the intrests of local people .The existence of Sichuan during the consultative councilis also actively involved in the National Assembly a petition campaign , the leadership of paul campaigns , petitions and civilization in peace after the failure of conflict between pedestrians , the side of revolution , and accelerated the pace of independent Hinhai Sichuan , China’s democratic politics and even local politics laid a solid foundition .


