

A Study on Funeral Rites and Music Culture in Northeastern SiChuan

【作者】 罗亮星

【导师】 万光治; 黄尚军;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 丧葬仪式与音乐文化研究涉及范围非常广泛,内涵极其复杂。本文在实地考察川东北平昌县驷马镇革新村等地汉族丧葬仪式及其音乐的基础之上,结合相关文献资料,从丧葬仪式、音乐和仪式音乐文化三个角度,梳理、总结了川东北汉族丧葬仪式的程式、行为;系统分析了其音乐的本体形态;探究了丧葬仪式音乐所蕴含的文化意义。本论文由川东北汉族丧葬仪式程式考察、仪式音乐本体分析及丧葬仪式音乐文化理论探究等部分构成。今川东北丧葬仪式包括:葬前礼仪、葬礼、葬后礼仪三大部分共计39个主要仪式。仪式音乐主要分声乐音乐和器乐音乐两大部分。唱腔可分“哭唱式”、“吟唱式”两大类;器乐有【凤点头】、【文朝】、【武朝】、【亮子】、【过场】、【双凤】、【新锦子】、【三环】、【下河东】、【野猫过桥】等曲牌。论文通过对川东北汉族丧葬仪式、音乐谱例、文化文本的研究及田野个案的分析,作者发现今川东北汉族丧葬仪式,仍保留着一套完整的固定化、程式化、民俗化的进行模式。其中,丧葬仪式歌谣与道场法事是该地区丧葬仪式中最具民族特色,最全面、完整的特征因子,充分展示出了这一地区汉族的民风民俗、民族性格、历史思想、审美观及价值观。

【Abstract】 Funeral rites and music culture involve a very broad scope and have extremely complex connotations. Based on the investigation from field of Han nationality funeral rites and music in the northeastern of SiChuan Province such as Pingchang county Sima town Gexin village, this thesis summarizes the process and behavior of the funeral rites. By combining with the related literature and references, we systematically analyze the noumenon form of funeral music and its cultural meanings in the view of the funeral rites, the music and the music culture of ceremonies.This thesis consists of three parts of the Han nationality funeral in the north- eastern of Sichuan Province: the process of the Han nationality funeral ritual, the analysis of the ritual music ontology and the investigation of the culture theory of funeral ritual music. At present, the funeral rites in the northeastern of Sichuan Province includes pre-funeral rites, funeral and after-funeral rites, and totally 39 main cere- monies. The ritual music mainly consists of the vocal music and the instrumental music. Aria can divide into cry singing style, singing style and talking style. The name of tune of the instrumental music includes Feng Dian-Tou, Wen-Chao, Wu-Chao, Liang-Zi, Guo-Chang, Shuang-Feng, Xin-Gin-Zi, Ye-Mao-Guo-Qiao, Xia-He-Dong, San-Huan, etc.By studying the Han nationality funeral rites music and its text, and analy- zing the cases from the field investigation, the author finds that it still retains a complete set of immobilized, stylized, and folkloric procedure of the Han nationa- lity funeral rites in the northeastern of Sichuan Province. Among them, the funeral ritual music and Dao-Chang ceremonies are the most national characteristics, com- prehensive and integrated parts of the funeral rites in that area. Also they have fully represented the folk custom, national character, historical ideology, aesthetic and social values of the Han nationality in the northeastern of Sichuan Province.

  • 【分类号】J607
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】654

