

A Research on English Learning Motivation of Senior High School Students

【作者】 张英

【导师】 刘素华;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 动机被许多研究者认为是成功学习二语或外语的主要决定因素之一。国外对外语学习动机的研究始于五十年代,由加拿大的心理学家Gardner及Lambert发起。然而中国的动机研究始于20世纪80年代,开展较晚,大多数研究关注大学生的英语学习动机。在以前研究的基础上,本研究主要着眼于高中生的英语学习动机。研究目的是确定高中生的动机类型,探究高中学生英语学习动机的状况。同时,根据动机理论和本研究的发现,对如何激发与培养高中学生的英语学习动机提出建议.本文作者在新都一中,新都二中和汉源二中做了一次问卷调查,从三校的六千多名学生中任意抽出470名学生作为此次调查的对象。作者以加德纳的问卷为蓝本,并根据中学生的实际情况进行了修改。作者采用Excel软件对所收集的数据进行了分析。调查结果如下:1)与考试相关的目标是学生学习英语的主要动力,很少学生对英语语言和英语国家文化产生兴趣。而且学生自我效能感很低,他们常常将成功归因于外在因素。2)高中学生的学习动机从高一到高三呈下降趋势。3)不同语言水平的学生英语学习兴趣不同:好学生的内在动机强于差学生。4)男生的学习兴趣和自我效能感总体上弱于女生。基于上述研究成果和外语学习动机理论以及多年的教学经验,作者提出了激励中学生外语学习动机的若干建议。

【Abstract】 Motivation is considered to be one of the main determining factors of success in learning a second language (L2) or a foreign language (FL).①Research on motivation for foreign language learning started in 1950s by Canadian psychologists, Gardner and Lambert. And the researches of motivation have been carried out in China since 1980s, and most studies focused on the motivation of college students. The present study is based on the previous studies with the focus on the English learning motivation of Senior high school students. The overall purpose is to identify the motivation types among English learners, explore the main motivational beliefs and problems that exist among senior high school students and provide suggestions on how to motivate senior high school students in English learning based on the motivation theories and the findings of the study. The researcher administered a questionnaire on English learning motivation of senior high school students. A research is conducted in No.1 Middle School of Xindu , No.2 Middle School of Xindu and No.2 Middle School of Hanyuan, where 470 students are randomly chosen from over 6000 students. The questionnaire is modified time and again on the basis of Gardner’s ATMB. The results of the questionnaire was put into computer and analyzed by Excel. The results of the study are summed up as follows:1)Examination-related goals are the main driving forces for students to exert effortful behavior; Only a few students feel it interesting to learn the English language and the culture of English speaking countries. Besides, the students have low sense of self-efficacy and many of them attribute their previous success to external factors2) The development tendency of students’ motivation shows a decline from Grade 1 to 3.3) Students with different levels of language proficiency show different degree of English learning interest: High achievers have greater internal motivation than low achievers.4) Female students have greater interest and higher self-efficacy than male students.At last, the researcher puts forward several suggestions for motivating students in English learning, based on the study, motivational theories, and the researcher’s teaching experience.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】761

