

Aesthetical Implications of Qiang Nationality’s Sacrificial Ceremony

【作者】 赵洋

【导师】 钟仕伦;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 美学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 羌族的祭祀仪式有着久远的传承历史和丰厚的文化积淀,其祭祀意识的超越性、自由性等特征与审美意识有着本质上的一致性,渗透着丰富的美学意蕴。本文拟从四个方面对羌族的祭祀仪式展开研究:第一章,羌族祭祀仪式文化概观。这个部分首先对羌族的祭祀仪式进行概括,将祭祀仪式分为全寨性祭祀仪式、家庭祭祀仪式、丧葬祭祀仪式三类。第二章,对羌族祭祀仪式中的审美意识的内涵进行详细的分析,分为四节。第一节,巫灵意识。巫灵意识不同于一般的神性心理,它与巫文化联系在一起,并由原始宗教所赋予。在祭祀仪式中,释比的各种舞蹈、唱经都可视为对巫灵意识的表达。第二节,族本意识,羌族的祭祀仪式不仅仅是要满足一种宗教祭祀功能,还要实现族本功能。族本意识是民族自我认同、自我归宿的源泉。与族本相联系的始祖崇拜与共同的信仰崇拜深刻地影响了羌族的审美意识。第三节,和合意识。和合意识是羌族祭祀仪式当中反映出的人与天地、人神灵、人与人之间的和谐意识,体现了羌族的祭祀仪式是以和谐为特征的审美活动。第四节,乐生意识。乐生意识指羌族祭祀中反映的对于生命崇拜与乐观的生命审美意识。第三章,此部分对羌族祭祀仪式表现的美学形态进行分析,可分为朴素美、崇高美、神秘美三种美学形态。第四章,对渗透在羌族祭祀仪式当中的审美思维进行分析。其审美思维保留了大量的原始思维、神话思维的因子,这使得羌族祭祀仪式的审美思维具有了文化上的母体意义。由此演绎出羌族丰富而独特的审美文化现象,并成为羌族祭祀仪式所表达的审美意识、审美形态的基础。总之,羌族祭祀仪式的审美意蕴具有鲜明的文化特征,保留了许多独特的文化内涵。同时祭祀仪式也保留了羌族原始的宇宙观、生命观、价值观。探讨羌族祭祀仪式的审美意蕴,肯定这种原始的宇宙观、生命观、价值观,回归到人与自然和谐共生的存在境界,对人类的精神危机、环境危机有一定的启示意义。

【Abstract】 The sacrificial ceremony of Qiang Nationality boasts its long history and rich cultural heritage. The transcendence and liberty of sacrificial consciousness share substantial consistency with aesthetic activities and embody abundant aesthetic implications. This thesis studies Qiang Nationality’s sacrificial ceremony in the following four chapters.Chapter One: Cultural Overview of Qiang’s Sacrificial Ceremony. This part centers on summarizing the ceremony by categorizing it into village sacrificial ceremony, family sacrificial ceremony and funeral sacrificial ceremony. These three ceremonies generally cover all sacrificial ceremonies of Qiang Nationality.Chapter Two: Aesthetic Consciousness of Qiang’Sacrificial Ceremony. This chapter analyzes the aesthetic consciousness in four sections. The first section deals with ghost consciousness, an integral part of Qiang’s sacrificial ceremony. Ghost consciousness is different from common spiritual psychology. It is related to witchcraft culture and is bestowed by primitive religion. In the sacrificial ceremony, various dances and chorus of Shibi can be considered to represent the consciousness of ghost. The second section is about ethnic self-identity consciousness. Being a religious sacrificial activity, Qiang’s sacrificial ceremony is also to realize ethnic self-identity. Primogenitor and totem worship related to ethnic self-identity have profound influence on the aesthetic consciousness of Qiang Nationality. The third section discusses the consciousness of harmony, which reflects the harmonious coexistence between mankind and the universe, mankind and the nature and among people in Qiang’s sacrificial ceremony. And this reflects that Qiang’s sacrificial ceremony is a kind of aesthetical activity featuring harmony. The fourth section touches upon the consciousness of optimistic living, which refers to aesthetic consciousness of life worship and optimism reflected in their sacrificial ceremony.Chapter Three focuses on expounding the three aesthetical formations, namely beauty of simplicity, beauty of loftiness and beauty of mystery which are presented in the sacrificial ceremony of Qiang Nationality.In Chapter Four, a discussion is conducted on the Qiang Nationality’s aesthetical thinking as reflected in their sacrificial ceremony. The fact that this kind of aesthetical thinking preserves many elements from primitive thinking and myth thinking renders it original significance in terms of culture, thus making Qiang Nationality’s aesthetical culture rich and unique. And their aesthetical culture serves as the foundation for the aesthetical consciousness and aesthetical formations expressed in the sacrificial ceremony.In a word, the aesthetic implications of Qiang’s sacrificial ceremony are characterized by vivid cultural elements and convey many unique cultural connotations and meanings. At the same time, the sacrificial ceremony also preserves original components of cosmology, life concept and values of Qiang Nationality. By discussing the aesthetic implications of Qiang’s sacrificial ceremony, recognizing the original components of cosmology, life concept and values and coming back to the harmonious coexistence between mankind and nature, the author of this thesis holds that it is enlightening for the mankind to cope with the spiritual and environmental crisis.


