

【作者】 邹帆

【导师】 张松;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息时代,网络游戏作为新技术和新文化发展的代表,已经成为青少年主要娱乐方式之一,并深刻影响着青少年的学习、生活和认知方式。网络游戏是对现实的模拟,体现了信息时代新文化的需求,所以网络游戏具备一定的教育潜质。因此,我国的一些学者开始关注并研究网络游戏的教育价值,并试图把网络游戏中的有利因素应用到教育中去,教育网络游戏的概念由此产生。教育网络游戏是基于计算机技术和网络技术的发展而发展起来的,它综合了网络游戏的优势,但又不同于一般娱乐性网络游戏,也不同于传统的课堂教学。教育网络游戏可以为学习者创造一个自由、和谐、有趣的学习环境,有助于培养学习者的学习兴趣和操作能力,在启发学习者思维,培养学习者独立发现问题、解决问题的能力,提高学习者信息素养,培养学习者的合作能力、创新能力等方面发挥着重要的作用。本文主要分为理论、设计、实现和评价四大部分。首先,在研读大量文献的基础上,总结归纳了国内外教育网络游戏的研究现状,对教育网络游戏这一崭新领域有了系统的认识和把握。接着,在理论部分阐明了教育与游戏的基础理论、内在联系以及教育网络游戏的概念,并分析了教育网络游戏的特点、分类、教育价值和设计开发的理论基础。其次,在设计部分针对目前教育网络游戏和课堂教学结合的案例不多的现状,结合教学软件和网络游戏的设计原则,整合教学策略和网络游戏的外在形式与特点,以2000年颁布的《九年义务教育全日制小学数学教学大纲(试用修订版)》中的有关整数的四则运算的教学内容为游戏内容,设计了教育网络游戏案例“数字消消乐”,并以游戏为外在表现形式,教育目的、内容为内在核心的主要设计思路贯穿在整个游戏的设计过程中。接着,具体实现了所设计的游戏并且将其试点应用在在校小学生的数学课后,实验证明,本游戏能够帮助学生提高四则运算的运算能力,具有一定的教育功能。

【Abstract】 As the sign of new technology and new culture, network game has become one of the primary entertainments of the youth, and cast deep influence to their study, life and way of recognition in the information age. Network game has educational potentials, for it is the simulation to the reality, and in some degree, meets the needs of the new culture in the information age. Some of the scholars in our country, therefore, started to pay particular attentions to the educational values of network game, and attempted to apply some of its beneficial factors to the education. The concept of Educational network game comes into being in this way.The development of Educational network game is based on computer technology and network technology. It integrates the advantages of ordinary network games, but is different from the network games for pure entertainments, or the traditional classroom instruction. Educational network game creates a free, harmonious and attractive learning environment, and helps to enhance the interests and operational abilities of the learners. It also inspire the learner’s thoughts, helps the learners to find and solve problems independently and trains teamwork spirits and will of creation as well.This article has four parts: Theory, Design, Implementation and Evaluation. First of all, based on the comprehensive literature reviews, it summarizes the status and progresses of the current researches in Educational network game, nationally and internationally. Then, in the Theory part, it describes the fundamental theories of education and game, and the intrinsic connections between them. It also clarifies the concept of Educational network game, and analyzes the characteristics, classification, educational values and theoretical bases of development of Educational network game. Then, in the Design part, considering the current situation that there are few connections between Educational network game and classroom instruction, integrating the formats and features of educational methods and network games, putting together the principles of the designs of educational software and network game, using the arithmetic instruction in the ?teaching syllabus of mathematics for full—time primary schools? issued in 2000 as the contents, we designed the Educational network game《Shu zi xiao xiao le》, with the principle that game makes up the external form whereas the internal kernel is composed of educational goals and contents going through all over the game design. Finally, the game design is implemented and tested after the mathematic classes of the elementary school students, and the experiment proves that this Educational network game is instructive and does help the students to improve their arithmetic capabilities.

【关键词】 游戏教育网络游戏FlashASP设计实现
【Key words】 GameEducational network gameFlashASPDesignActualize
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;G434
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】730

