

Chengdu-Chongqing Area Physical Education Regional Interactive Pattern Research

【作者】 贾飞

【导师】 梅江;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “健康第一”理念的深入人心,“阳光体育运动”的广泛开展,特别是北京奥运会的成功举办,人们对体育的认知日益全面深化,希望以参与体育运动这种方式,强身健体、休闲娱乐、结交朋友,进一步提高生活品味,丰富业余文化生活。同时学校体育自身改革的不断深入,创新发展,以及对学校体育研究的细致入微,通过调查研究发现,人们通过参与体育运动来增强体魄的愿望与社会生活实际需求、与学校体育的社会延伸、与体育资源的有效利用在学校体育的区域互动发展上有一个良好的契合点。学校体育的区域互动发展是学校体育深化改革和创新发展的趋势之一,实现体育的区域化、社会化、市场化发展。本文认为学校体育要面向社会,走区域化、社会化、市场化发展道路,充分发挥学校体育服务社会的职能作用,科学规划,有效管理,能够促进地方经济的发展,提高人们的身体素质,实现体育的社会价值。运用系统理论的观点,把学校与政府、社区、企业互动联系,以体育为媒介,加强合作,互惠共赢。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法,数理统计法和访谈等方法,通过对成渝地区区域体育现状调查,分析得出:在成渝地区存在着人们希望通过体育运动的方式来达到锻炼身体的目的与参加体育健身场所供给不足、存在体育资源占有非均衡性、区域体育一体化发展的矛盾。在实现成渝地区社会体育资源共享、体育人才流动、体育场馆利用,扩大学校体育的辐射半径,实现人们日益增长的健康、娱乐、交友需求,让老百姓真正享有学校体育覆盖社会的实惠,构建区域体育和谐发展上存在一定的问题。针对成渝地区学校体育区域互动发展的现状,本文在文献综述和专家访谈等的基础上,以学校体育区域化发展为中心,遵循学校体育发展规律,建立学校体育区域互动发展的基本模式,实现区域体育的资源共享,对学校体育服务社会职能进行优化延伸,创新发展,提高体育资源的有效利用率。希望能够为体育职能部门规划区域体育发展、为学校体育改革创新发展提供理论和实践上的参考。

【Abstract】 In the light of the growing awareness of the“Health First”conception, the popularization of the“Sunshine Sports”, and the success of the Beijing Olympic Games, the people’s cognition of the sports has been profoundly deepened. As a result, they begin to participate in the sports in the hope that they would keep health, make friends, enjoy entertainment so as to enrich their amateur cultural life. In the meantime, as the PE reform is developing in an innovative way, we find out, with our careful research, that people’s hopes to keep health by sports and exercises correspond with the actual social requirement, the extension of the PE, and the efficient utilization of the PE resources in the form of PE interactive development in the region. The regional interactive development is one of the tendencies in PE reform and innovation, as well as an access to the regionalization, socialization and marketing of the PE. The thesis believes the PE should face the society, aim at regionalization, socialization and marketing, and make full use of its function of social service with scientific planning and efficient management so as to boost the regional economical development, better people’s physical fitness, and realize the PE’s social values. According to the point views of the System Theory, PE should function as a medium to interlinked the school, government, community and enterprise; all of the four are bound to benefit mutually in their interactive incorporation. The thesis applies document research, questionnaire survey, mathematic statistics, interview, etc. to make investigations on the current regional PE in the Chengdu-Chongqing area. By careful analysis, the thesis author concludes that the extant conflict in the area is the one between people’s hope to do physical exercises and the insufficiency of the sporting material and locations. There are still some matters to be solved in the harmonious development of regional PE. In consequence, we should endeavor to realize the regional PE resource sharing, the mobilization of PE talents, the utilization of PE facilities, the expansion of PE’s influential radiation to meet people’s growing needs in fit-keeping, entertainment and social communication in order that they could enjoy the benefits the PE offers to the society.The thesis, based on document review and expert interview, mainly deals with the status quo of the interactive development of the PE in the Chengdu-Chongqing region. It holds that we should center on the PE’s regional development, follow the law of PE development, set up the basic pattern of interactive development. Only in this way can we realize the sharing of the PE resources, extend the PE’s social function, and optimize the utility of the PE resources. Finally, the author wishes the ideas in the thesis could be served as theoretical and practical references for the sports functioning department in its planning of regional development of the PE, or for the schools in their PE reforms and innovations.


