

【作者】 刘屹

【导师】 郑海航;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国务院国资委2004年开始实行国有独资公司董事会试点工作以来,国有企业董事会建设成为国有企业改革实践的重点及理论研究的热点。从公司治理的角度,董事会与经理人之间关系的处理成为现代公司董事会制度运行的重要环节,而董事会对经理人的选聘、业绩评价和薪酬激励是国有独资公司董事会和经理层间的具体问题。随着我国国有独资公司建立董事会试点工作的深入,从理论和实践层面上研究董事会对经理人的业绩评价和薪酬激励具有极其重要的意义。本文通过对有关研究概念进行界定,明确所涉及到的各研究概念的定义以及内涵,分析了我国当前国有独资公司经理人业绩评价和薪酬激励制度的现状,以及产生这些问题的历史原因和现实原因。以完善国有独资公司治理结构为出发点,以国资委下发《关于国有独资公司董事会建设的指导意见(试行)》为指导,研究国有独资公司董事会对经理人的考核和激励。从影响经理人薪酬激励的主要因素出发,首先考虑哪些指标可以用来衡量经理人的经营业绩,从而影响其薪酬,然后又分析了哪些非经营性业绩指标影响经理人的薪酬。从而比较系统全面地论述了国有独资公司董事会如何考核经理人。本文通过阐述国有独资公司在我国经济建设中所扮演的特殊角色和所承担的责任,结合经理人激励因素,从薪酬的性质、薪酬结构和支付模式等几个角度来探讨如何设计国有独资公司经理人的薪酬激励制度。本文综合运用了以下的分析方法论证了上述观点和建议:首先,运用实证分析的方法,在对我国国有企业董事会历史变革分析的基础上,通过对董事会试点企业的调查研究,提出了国有独资公司董事会建设中董事会对于经理人的业绩评价和薪酬激励的建议。其次,综合运用了法律经济学、历史学、管理学等多个边缘学科研究成果,多角度地论证本部分的主题。本文的创新之处在于,在分析国有独资公司这一独特的产权结构的公司治理问题的基础上,在制度建设方面,提出了以下具有新意的观点:1、采用法律、政策与公司章程并行的方式规范国有独资公司董事会和经理人的权职;2、结合市场竞争机制来制定相关的法律、政策,从而规范国有独资公司经理人业绩评价和薪酬激励。3、在委托代理模式下,构建我国国有独资公司董事会对经理人的业绩评价和薪酬激励制度;4、按照国有独资公司的不同类型和不同行业,有区分的制定对经理人的业绩评价和薪酬激方案。

【Abstract】 Since 2004, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council began to carry out the construction of board of Wholly State-owned Company. The construction of board of Wholly Stated-owned Company had became the core element of state-owned enterprise governance reform and the hotspot of theoretical research in this field. The relationship between board and managers is the core problem of corporate governance. However, at present stage, the element link of granting wholly state-owned company an effective management is to establish a standard and effective board of directors to evaluate and inspire the managers. Along with the progress of the construction of board of Wholly State-owned Company in our country, it is significant to research the scientific mechanism for evaluation and inspiration of managers.On the basis of analyzing the definition of the Wholly State-owned Company and the manager, as well as the meaning of relationship between board and managers. Then the article focus on the current status of the performance assessment and the compensation system of managers of Wholly State-owned Company. The paper analyzes the reason lead to the defect of the system from the history and actuality. The State-owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) is to represent the state in performing its duty and exercise it right as the owner through it management of assets, personnel, and operations. In 2004, SASAC issued < Turnbull Guidance bout the construction of board of Wholly State-owned Company>. According to the Turnbull Guidance, the construction of board is the core element of state-owned enterprise governance reform. On that base, the thesis analyzes the rating purpose of Wholly State-owned Company’s manager’s performance, the essential features of the indexes and the principles of choosing indexes. In the end, the thesis discusses how to design a reward mechanism for the managers of the Wholly State-owned Company to inspire them effectively from the multi-perspective of the nature of the compensation, the structure of the compensation, the level and the model, and design a compensation mechanism.This thesis uses the positive analysis to discuss the board of the Wholly State-owned Company how to implement the assessment and the compensation of managers. Moreover the thesis multipurpose uses the research results from Legal Economics, History and Management theory to analyzes the topic from different angles.After analyzing the special the ownership structure of Wholly State-owned Company, the article put forward four innovations. At first, we should really and truly implement the board system, guarantee board to exercise power and define the duties and obligation of board and managers according to the law, policy and articles of corporation. Second, we should integrate market mechanism to build the performance assessment and the compensation system. Third, the theory of agency by mandate is the basis of this article. At last, according the different industries, we should build the different standards to evaluate the managers and different way to inspire the managers.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】292

