

【作者】 贾雪华

【导师】 王静;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 社会保障, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 我国已于20世纪末步入老龄化社会,预计到2020年,我国空巢老人数量将达到4亿。面对“未富先老”的困境,党的十七大报告指出:必须在经济发展的基础之上注重社会建设,着力保障和改善民生,努力使全体人民老有所养、病有所医、住有所居,推动和谐社会建设。随着经济社会发展,人民生活水平的普遍提高,空巢老人物质、精神的需求也应得到应有的关注。在我们还没有足够的财力和精力来关注所有老人的情况下,首先解决空巢老人的生活状况和养老需求是我们首先要做到的。本文重点从对北京市朝阳区老龄委在2008年3月—10月开展的“北京市朝阳区空巢老人生活状况与养老方式调查研究”出发,其目的是希望通过收集北京市空巢老人的第一手资料,主要从空巢老人的基本情况和生活状况、经济收入状况、养老需求与养老意愿等方面的分析,了解空巢老人对他们的养老需求和养老方式的选择与需求,提出如何完善空巢老人所面临的现实问题及相关养老助老服务建议和意见。北京人口老龄化程度高于全国,居于全国前列;仅次于上海。进入老年型社会比全国早13年,且今后每年将有10万左右的人口进入老年人的行列。人口老龄化所带来的空巢化给北京社会经济带来深刻的影响,直接关系到首都的可持续发展。我们必须把其置于社会主义市场经济条件下进行全面深入的研究,解决人口老龄化所带来的空巢问题,求得人口与经济发展的良性循环,为北京社会经济可持续发展创造良好的社会环境。为了实现上述目标,研究空巢老人尤其是北京市空巢老人的社会保障是十分必要的。

【Abstract】 End of the 20th century our country has entered the aging society, it is expected that by 2020, the number of older people in China will reach 400 million. Facing of "not rich before the old" the plight, the party’s 17 report points out: we must be more emphasis on social construction and strive to protect and improve people’s livelihood at the basis of economic development, and effort to make all the people having derived from the old, the sick, a sense of security, has been home to live and promote a harmonious society. With the economic and social development, improving the general standard of living of the people, and the elderly physical, mental, should be a higher demand for attention.When we have not enough financial resources and energy to concern about the circumstances of all older people, first of all, solving the empty nest elderly living conditions and pension needs and wishes are our first endowment to achieve. This paper focuses on the Chaoyang District of Beijing from the Committee on Aging in March 2008 to October launched the "empty nest Chaoyang District, Beijing, the living conditions of elderly and old-age way of investigation and research" of departure, our object is hope to collect the first-hand information on empty nest elderly and know the basic situation and living conditions, focusing on their income, pension and pension needs of an analysis of ways to provide pragmatic pension, measures and proposals to improve the quality of life of the older persons.Elderly social security is a dynamic and evolving. With the development of productive forces and science and technology level, the level of older people’s health also should be improved, the elderly on Social Security and pursue the level of the degree of their satisfaction with the times. Therefore, the state, society, communities, families and older people themselves should consciously to improve the quality of life of older people to create the conditions; setting up for an elderly person to share the results of social-economic development will continue to contribute to society’s social. In order to achieve the above-mentioned targets, it is very necessary to study of older persons, especially elderly city empty nest of social security.


