

【作者】 王蕴如

【导师】 贾金思;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 全球经济已经进入了信息经济时代,科学技术对于各国的竞争地位来说至关重要。中国是技术的需求大国,美国是信息技术领域的领军代表,两国的高技术产品贸易关系到其政治经济实力对比。中美高技术产品贸易蓬勃发展,这是值得肯定的好现象。但是,通过分析发现,中美高技术产品贸易不符合传统比较优势贸易理论,中美贸易分工地位不合理。本文梳理了中美高技术产品贸易的现状,旨在通过分析贸易不平衡的成因和实质,揭示顺差对于两国的正面和负面影响,并对此提出我国应对的策略和政策。希望通过本文的分析,能够为我国在未来的发展中提供参考,提高竞争力。本文用经济学方法分析了中美高技术产品贸易与理论的契合度,分析数据后得到两国贸易的鲜明特点,并引入SWOT模型分析我国在当今经济形势下面临的机遇和挑战。本文客观地分析了导致中美贸易顺差的内外原因,指出中美贸易顺差的根本原因是美国人为地阻碍了自由贸易。在内因方面,不局限于传统经济因素,而是从外交、理念等多个角度分析了我国存在的问题,并提出了针对性的对策建议。最后,通过对当前经济形势的分析,客观指出我国在与美国的高技术产品贸易中,将面临怎样的挑战和机遇,认为危机虽然有危害性,但却能帮助我国调整经济发展步伐,升级产业结构。

【Abstract】 The global economy has entered the era of information economy, science and technology is essential to a nation’s competitive position. China has a huge demand for technology, while the United States maintains strong presence in the areas of information technology. As a result, the hi-tech products trade between China and U.S. reflects their economic and political power. It is worth approving that Sino-US high-tech products trade has been flourishing. However, the research shows that Sino-US hi-tech products trade does not conform to the traditional theory of comparative advantage, and the international specialization between China and U.S. is not reasonable. This paper analyzes the current situation of Sino-US hi-tech products trade, and the causes and the essence of trade imbalance. This paper is an attempt to reveal what impact the surplus has on China and U.S., and put forward the suggestions for our country’s strategies and policies. Hoping that this paper could be of use in the hi-tech products development of China and help enhance the competitiveness.This paper uses economic method to analysis if the trade theory fit the Sino-US hi-tech products trade, gets the distinctive feature of the Sino-US bilateral trade, and applies the SWOT model to analysis the opportunities and challenges China faces in the current international situation. In the objective position, this article analyzes the internal and external causes which lead to the trade surplus between China and US, and points out that the underlying cause is that America set obstacle to free trade. When it comes to internal causes, this text is not confined to traditional economic factors, and takes into account diplomacy, ideology and many other factors to analysis our country’s impropriety. In the end, this paper analyzes the current economic crisis, and objectively points out China will face challenges and opportunities in the Sino-US hi-tech products trade. Even though the crisis is harmful, it can help to adjust the pace of economic development of our country, and upgrade industrial structure.

  • 【分类号】F276.44;F752.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】426
  • 攻读期成果

