

【作者】 邹伟

【导师】 陈红;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 社会保障, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着产业结构的调整和就业形式的变化,人口流动,特别是农村富裕劳动力跨地区流动大量增多,沿海发达城市和首都北京是主要的人口流入地。在劳动力流动过程中,流动劳动者的养老保险关系转移接续“难”问题日渐突出。截至2008年底,北京市常住人口为1695万人,其中户籍人口1229.9万人,外来人口465.1万人,数以百万计的非北京户籍人员为首都的社会经济建设和发展贡献着力量。然而,由于受地区经济发展水平不平衡的客观制约和社保统筹层次较低的现实影响,非北京户籍外来务工人员在流动就业过程中,其养老保险关系转移接续会遇到种种困难,致使其社会保障权益受到损害。本文试图通过对在北京市宣武区缴纳养老保险费的非北京户籍外来务工人员进行的“养老保险关系转移接续调查”,全面、准确地了解和把握北京市养老保险关系转移接续的现状及存在的问题,在剖析和阐述养老保险关系转续“难”原因的基础上,为政府解决养老保险关系转续“难”问题,实现养老保险关系无障碍转续提供建议。本论文由五部分内容构成。第一部分绪论,阐述了选题背景、研究目的和方法,并进行了文献综述;第二部分,论述了中国社保关系转移接续制度的形成和发展;第三部分,通过对问卷调查数据的分析研究,阐述了在宣武区缴纳养老保险费的非北京户籍外来务工人员的养老保险关系转续现状和问题;第四部分,对造成养老保险关系转续“难”的原因进行了深入剖析;第五部分,提出了破解养老保险关系转续“难”的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the adjustment of industrial structure and changes in the form of employment, movement of population, especially migrant workers from rural areas are increasing. Costal developed cities and Beijing are main destination. During the process of migration, migrant workers’ endowment insurance relation is more and more difficult during migration. By the end of the year 2008, there’re 16950 thousand residents population in Beijing, in which the household register population is 12299 thousand and the non-native population is 4651 thousand. Millions of migrant workers have devoted themselves to the prosperity and might of Beijing. However, because of the restriction of disparate development and the effect of the low levels of overall planning, the migrant workers may encounter diverse problems in transferring there endowment insurance relation, which may infringe on there interests.This article attempts to know and grasp comprehensively and accurately the status quo and problems in transferring endowment insurance relation by the migrant workers’ who pay endowment insurance in Xuanwu District through a survey named Survey of Endowment Insurance’s Transfer and Connection. In the basic of analyzing and expounding the cause of difficulties to transfer the policy proposal, submitting policy proposal to government of how to transfer endowment insurance relation smoothly.This paper is consisting of five parts. The first one is introduction, expounding the background of selecting the topic, the purpose and methods of the research, at the same time, rounding-up the reference documents; the second part elaborated the formation and development of the system of endowment insurance of China; the third part indicate the status quo and problems in transferring endowment insurance relation by the migrant workers’ who pay endowment insurance in Xuanwu District; the fourth part analysis and illustrate the causes of difficult to transfer endowment insurance relation; the last part raise proposals to solve the problem.


