

The Impact on Tobacco Control Work of the "Lowering Tar and Reducing Harm of Tobacco" Action Taken by China’s Tobacco Companies

【作者】 刘小舟

【导师】 杨杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国疾病预防控制中心 , 公共卫生, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本研究通过对国内公开发表的有关卷烟“减害降焦”的文献进行研究、分析,为制定控制烟草的法律法规提供依据。研究方法:通过网上检索“减害降焦”文献对我国烟草企业的“减害降焦”技术、卷烟检测评价方法和发展策略进行研究,结合国内外烟草控制机构对“低焦油”卷烟的相关疾病风险的研究结果进行分析。结果:国际烟草企业在六十年代末设计和发明了标准吸烟机器用来检测和评价卷烟,当用这些吸烟机测试“低焦油”卷烟时,所测出来的卷烟焦油和尼古丁含量远低于吸烟者的真实摄入量。国际烟草企业在了解这种情况的同时大力宣传“低焦油”卷烟为“低害”。近年来我国烟草公司为增强市场竞争力,增加卷烟销售量,投入大量的资金研究改进卷烟加工工艺和卷烟设计,降低卷烟标准焦油量,并利用“科技创新”、“减害降焦”的口号宣传和推广“低焦油”、“减害”卷烟。“低焦油”卷烟并不等于“低害”在国际上已成为一种共识,而中国烟草企业仍在变相推销卷烟产品,误导消费者。结论与建议:“减害降焦”技术不能降低健康危害,烟草企业“减害降焦”行动的实质是企业销售战略,结果是误导公众和吸烟者,增加复吸率和吸烟率,提高社会疾病负担。应采取综合措施从制定政策、相关研究、宣传教育等多方面控制烟草企业的倾销宣传。

【Abstract】 ObjectivesIn this paper,research literatures from 1979 to 2008 about "lowering tar and reducing harm of tobacco" had been collected from www.cnki.net,www.cqvip.com, www.wanfangdata.com.cn and www.tobaccoinfo.com.cn,to analyze the "lowering tar and reducing harm" technology,cigarette testing methods and evaluation criteria in China’s tobacco institution,combined with the research findings of "low tar" cigarette-related disease risks in foreign countries to look for evidence that "low tar" does not mean "low hazard",and further clarify the tobacco institution’s "lowering tar and reducing harm" action does not really reduce the hazard of smoking,but to promote cigarette products covertly.Method:The 1297 papers searched online are divided into two parts:one includes the research literatures on "lowering tar and reducing harm" published on the Academic Journal in Chinese from 1979 to 2008,obtained with the keywords of"lowering tar and reducing harm of tobacco","low hazard and cigarettes","low tar and cigarettes" and "harm reduction and cigarettes" from www.cnki.net,www.cqvip.com,www.wanfangdata.com.cn;the other contains all the literatures related to "lowering tar and reducing harm of tobacco" from www.tobaccoinfo.com.cn.Based on the study of the amount,type,content of those literatures, the analysis on technology of "lowering tar and reducing harm of tobacco",cigarette testing methods and evaluation criteria in China’s tobacco institution can be made.Results:The domestic technologies of tobacco harm reduction are mainly filter technology, leaves group additives,paper plate porosity,tobacco density,flavoring feeding,and formula, with the research focus on composite filter,leaf group additives.It has been found that the "low tar" cigarettes cannot reduce the hazards of smoking.Instead,the smoker can inhale equal amount of tar and nicotine by compensating action.There are many harmful substances which interact with each other complicatedly.The so-called "lowering tar" technology cannot eliminate all the harmful substances.In addition,during the application of the technology to reduce several harmful substances,other harmful substances might be increased.Hence there is no definite research result related to the exact extent of the harm been reduced,how to reduce the harm and whether the additives will produce harmful substances.ConclusionsKnowing that the "low-tar cigarettes are not safe",Tobacco companies still invest large amount of money into "harm reduction" research to improve the tobacco processing technique and lower tar,aiming to enlarge the market of cigarette products and promote cigarettes sales volume in the name of "reducing harm and lowering tar of cigarette",which could mislead consumers into more expensive cigarettes consumption,reduce smoke cessation,and increase relapse rate and smoking rates.Therefore,tobacco components control,objective scientific testing and evaluation of the harmfulness of the cigarettes that had been reduced harm should be strengthened.The harmful substances and additives should be made known to government and the public.Relevant laws and regulations should be established to forbid promotional activities of any kinds rely on the "lowering tar and reducing harm of tobacco".Health education,especially on adolescents,should be enhanced.The content of health education should mention that there is no kind of safe cigarette,"low tar" and "reducing harm" are not equal to "low harm","lowering tar and reducing harm of tobacco" technology cannot actually reduce the harm of smoking,there is no kind of safe cigarette,never try to smoke or give up smoking cessation.

  • 【分类号】F426.8;R193
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】343
  • 攻读期成果

