

The Survey on Nutrition and Health Status of the Residents in Hainan Province

【作者】 杨斌

【导师】 翟凤英;

【作者基本信息】 中国疾病预防控制中心 , 公共卫生, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 【目的】1.研究海南省城乡及不同地区居民的体质、食物结构、营养与健康状况及其差异,了解我省经济状况对营养与健康状况的影响;2.掌握海南省城乡及不同地区居民的营养不良、高血压、肥胖的患病状况及其差异;3.分析海南省居民膳食营养与健康状况、变化趋势及其影响因素,为政府制订和评价相关政策及发展规划提供及时、准确、可靠的信息,为提高海南省居民体质及健康水平提供政策建议。【方法】采取多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,于2008年在海南省18个市县中抽取6个市县为营养与健康状况调查点。从中抽取1710户的所有家庭成员为调查对象。对所有成员取得知情同意的情况下,进行面对面询问调查、医学体检、实验室检测和膳食调查。对其中约45%的调查户进行膳食调查,膳食调查是采用连续3天24小时回顾法记录家庭成员的食物消费数据及“称重法”记录家庭调味品消费量数据。利用《中国食物成分表20029中每种食物的营养素含量计算平均每人日膳食中各类营养素的摄入量,按照个人的标准人系数,折合成每标准人日各类营养素的摄入量。应用SAS软件进行统计,分析居民营养素摄入量的变化趋势,用多项logistic回归模型分析影响因素。【结果】1.按照回收的有效调查表格计算,本项目实际调查1710户,4282人,2.50人/户,男性2207人,占51.5%,女性2075人,占48.5%。其中膳食调查810户,膳食调查人数1998人,2.47人/户,男1029人,女969人。其中地级市641人,占32.1%;县级市807人,占40.4%;县级550人,占27.5%。城市912人,占45.6%;农村1086人,占54.4%。现场抽血监测血红蛋白1482人。2.海南省居民体质状况分析结果,海南省BMI正常居民占60.1%,低体重或消瘦人群占31.9%,超重与肥胖人群分别占5.9%和2.1%。均低于我国2002年全国调查结果(超重率为22.8%,肥胖率为7.1%)。3.海南省居民平均每标准人日动物性食物摄入量为207克,海南省鱼虾类摄入量最高,占39-42%,两者均远高于全国平均摄入水平,为132.0克;居民每标准人日摄入豆类及其制品10.4克,每标准人日奶类及其制品的摄入量为5.8克,均低于全国平均摄入水平的1/5。4.海南省居民每标准人日能量平均摄入量为2426.9kcal,高于全国平均水平(2250.5克)。蛋白质为72.4克,高于全国平均水平(65.9克)。脂肪为62.2克,低于全国平均水平(76.2克)。5.海南省居民摄入能量达到或超过100%RNI的比例为35.4%,蛋白质达到或超过100%RNI的比例为36.4%,视黄醇当量达到或超过100%RNI的比例为13.7%,硫胺素达到或超过100%RNI的比例为11.7%。核黄素达到或超过100%RNI的比例为5.1%。维生素C达到或超过100%RNI的比例为9.4%。铁摄入量达到或超过100%AI的比例为66.1%,钙摄入量达到或超过100%AI的比例为3.6%。6.海南省每标准人日宏量营养素供给能量构成比分别为碳水化合物占64.7%,脂肪占23.3%,蛋白质占12.0%,来源于动物性食物与豆类的优质蛋白质占42.5%,高于全国平均水平(32.6%),7.海南省居民贫血患病率为47.2%,高于全国平均水平(20.1%)。农民贫血患病率(54.6%)高于渔民(39.6%),渔民贫血患病率又高于其他人群,渔民贫血患病率居高的现象值得探讨。8.海南省居民高血压平均患病率为11.6%,低于全国平均水平(19.7%)。城市13.0%,农村10.5%,男性11.2%,女性12.1%,汉族12.0%,黎族等少数民族10.8%。【结论】海南省处于经济转型期,城乡居民膳食质量有所提高。与1992年的调查结果相比能量、谷类供能比、蛋白质摄入量均下降,脂肪提供的能量增加。脂肪摄入量特别是动物性食物来源的脂肪上升。居民膳食质量有较大提高;碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪供能比是适宜的,但是城乡、各地区宏量供能营养素的供能差异较大。基本营养素摄入得到满足,但某些营养素如钙、视黄醇、抗坏血酸等营养素摄入不足仍是膳食中的主要问题,农村差于城市,农村居民膳食质量亟待提高。营养工作必须制定长效机制和立法,建议海南省要建立可持续发展的营养监测体系,才能保证居民健康。

【Abstract】 Objectives1.To study the status and difference in physique,food structure,nutrition and health status of the urban and rural residents of Hainan Province,and understand the impact of the economic situation on nutrition and health status in our province.2.To master the residents’ status and difference in malnutrition,hypertension,obesity in urban and rural areas and different regions of Hainan Province.3.To analyze dietary nutrition and health status,variation tendency and influence factor of the residents of Hainan Province,in order to provide the timely,accurate and reliable information for the Government to formulate and evaluate relative policies and development plan,and to offer policy recommendations for improving the physique and health level of the residents of Hainan Province.MethodsA stratified Multi-stage cluster randomly sampling method was used to sample 6 cities and counties as study fields of nutrition and health status in 18 cities and countries of Hainan Province in 2008.And all members in 1710 families sampled randomly from study fields are research subjects.Face-to-face questionnaire,physical examination,laboratory test and dietary survey were carried out after obtaining the informed consent of all subjects,and about 45%of all 1710 families were surveyed with continuous 3 days 24 hours review method to record the food consumption data of family members,and the weighting method were used to record the consumption of family spices.Every kind of nutrient intake was worked out based on the 2002 Food Composition Form of China.In accordance with the standards of the individual coefficient,converts into the standard man-days for each intake of various nutrients. SAS statistics software was used to analysis the variation trend of nutrient intake,and multiple logistic regression model was used to analysis influencing factors.Results1.The results of effective questionnaires indicate that:this project practically investigates 1710 households,4282 subjects,2.50 people per household,and 2207 of these were male,accounting for 51.5%and 2075 were female,accounting for 48.5%.Among this survey,dietary survey investigates 810 households,1998 people,2.47 people per household,and 1029 male,969 female.Among them,641 people are in the prefecture-level city,account for 32.1%;807 people are in the county-level city,account for 40.4%;550 people are in the county level,account for 27.5%.912 of them are in urban, account for 45.6%;1086 are in rural area,account for 54.4%.1482 people of them were drawn blood and monitor their hemoglobin.2.Physical conditions analysis results of resident in Hainan Province show that,60.1% of them BMI are normal,31.9%are under-weight or emaciated,5.9%are overweight and 2.1%are obese.All the results described above are lower than 2002 national investigation results(overweight rate was 22.8%,obesity rate was 7.1%).3.The intake of animal food for every standard people on average in Hainan is 207 grams every day.The intake of fish and shrimp of residents in Hainan Province is the tallest, account for 39-42%.Both of them are far higher than the intake of whole country on average (about 132.0 grams);The intake of beans and its products for every standard people on average in Hainan is 10.4 grams every day,the intake of milk and its products is 5.8 grams, less than 1/5 of the level of whole country on average.4.The intake of energy for every standard people in Hainan Province is 2426.9kcal,and it is higher than the average national level in China(2250.5 grams).The average intake of protein is 72.4 grams,and it is higher than the average national level(65.9 grams).The average intake of fat is 62.2 grams,and it is lower than the average national level(76.2 grams).5.35.4%of Hainan residents whose intake of energy is or over 100%RNI,for protein is 36.4%,for retinol equivalent is 13.7%,for thiamine is 11.7%,for riboflavin is 5.1%,for vitamin C is 9.4%,for iron is 66.1%,and 3.6%of Hainan residents whose intake of calcium is or over 100%AI.6.Three major nutrient supply composition of energy,that is,carbohydrate,fat and protein,for every standard people in Hainan Province is 64.7%,23.3%and 12.0% respectively.The high-quality protein stemming from animal food and beans in Hainan Province accounts for 42.5%,and it is higher than the average national level(about 32.6%).7.The prevalence rate of anaemia for residents in Hainan Province is 47.2%,and it is higher than the average national level(20.1%).Of this,the prevalence rate of anaemia for peasants(54.6%) is higher than fishermen(39.6%),the prevalence rate of anaemia for fishermen is higher than other population again,and this phenomenon deserves discussion.8.The average prevalence rate of hypertension for resident in Hainan Province is 11.6%, and it is lower than the average national level(19.7%).Of this,the prevalence rate in urban is 13.0%,in rural is 10.5%;among them men account for 11.2%,women account for 12.1%,the Han nationality account for 12.0%,ethnic minorities such as the Li nationality,etc.account for 10.8%.ConclusionHainan Province is in the process of economic transformation,the diet quality of the urban and rural residents has been improved to some extent.Compared with the survey results in 1992,energy,the ratio of energy supplied by cereal,the intake of protein has decreased,but the energy that the fat offers has increased.Fat intake,especially fat from animal food increased.The diet quality of residents have greatly increased;The proportion of energy supplied by carbohydrates,protein and fat is appropriate.However,energy supplying of macro-nutrients is greatly different in urban and rural areas.Intake of essential nutrients is met.However,low intake of some nutrients such as calcium,retinol,ascorbic acid is still the major problem in dietary.The diet quality of rural residents is worse than that of urban residents and need to be improved.Long-term mechanism and legislation should be developed in nutrition work,and the nutrition monitoring system of sustainable development should be set up in order to guarantee the health of residents.

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