

A Study on Religious Dance of Tha Kung of ’Vbri-Gung-Bka’-Brgyud

【作者】 尼玛

【导师】 才让;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 宗教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 金刚法舞是藏传佛教的艺术形态之一,是一种宗教舞蹈。直贡寺作为藏传佛教噶举派代表性的寺院,其法舞表演历史悠久,特色鲜明,具有重要的研究价值。本文通过对直贡寺金刚法舞较为全面的研究,对该寺法舞的渊源、表演仪式等方面进行系统的梳理,细致介绍了金刚法舞的角色、面具、法器、乐器、服饰、舞步等内容。通过对直贡寺金刚法舞的探讨,进一步揭示金刚法舞的内在功能及蕴含的思想。同时,法舞作为藏族地区传统文化的组成部分,还面临着现代化潮流的冲击。因此,对直贡寺金刚法舞的研究,以及对法舞的保护和发展,有益于弘扬藏民族优秀文化,有利于发扬法舞扬善弃恶的精神。

【Abstract】 Being artistic modality of Tibetan Buddhism, fete dance of Tha Kung is a kind of religious dance. As representative temple of Bka’-Brgyud sect, the religious dance performance of ’Bti-Gung temple has significant value to study because of long history and distinctive character. The article aims to investigate comprehensively and deeply on dance of Tha Kung in ’Vbri-Gung temple, not only from systematical pectination of history, origins, performance ceremony, and so on, but also on the aspect of characters, masks, worship implements, musical instruments, clothing, pas, etc., and then reveals internal functions and implicated ideology. At the same time, fete dance is also face impact of modernization as which is part of Tibetan traditional culture. Therefore, a series of tasks to study, protect and develop the religious dance of Tha Kung of ’Vbri-Gung temple are benefit to carry on and promote the excellent culture of Tibetan nationality and the intrinsic spirit of fete dance which is advocate good and abandon evil.


