

Feeling Image Theory--Music Art Agent Theory

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 李曙明;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 音乐学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对于文学艺术人们总是习惯用“意象”来统称其存在方式,无论是中国的“意象”说还是西方的“意象”或“意向”说,实质上都是在强调人的认识即感性与理性的统一在文学艺术创造活动中的主导作用。它不仅是创作表达的对象更是创造活动的动力。笔者在“意象”称谓的基础上以及对李曙明老师“音心对映”思想的理解,针对音乐艺术提出了一些自己的见解和看法,即从心象、情象和乐象三个层面及三者之内在联系进行论述,从而显示出“情”之突出地位。并从“心”的“静”与“动”两方面对音乐艺术内容与形式关系进行理解,即“静”侧重于从本源的角度出发,对心之核心——情〔乐(le)〕的建造结构或者说创造主体的心理要素与音乐创造的关系进行了论述;“动”则侧重于从心之动态---情的角度出发,来探讨具体创造活动(创作、表演和欣赏)中动力功能的实现。“心”的“静”与“动”实际上是笔者从创造理论与实践两个方面来发表了个人的见解的。笔者鉴于对音乐艺术创造各环节中“情”功能的体现,特别是表演者思想感情的介入以及欣赏活动中对欣赏者的范围较其它艺术形式更为宽泛之特征(即使你不懂得肢体语言也不懂得线条和色彩…作为一个健全的欣赏者都可以与音乐实现对映)的理解,故而提出“情象”这一称谓,以便更能贴切、准确地体现音乐内容与形式之间的关系。

【Abstract】 Make a summary for always being accustomed to using "imago" to come to be called by a joint name there existing way in the person to literature and art people, being that knowing namely perceptual and the reason unification in emphasizing a people’s in literature and art creates leading factor effect in activity in substance disregarding being that the Chinese "imago" speaks still. It is to create the marriage partner who expresses also being the driving force creating an activity not only.The author is reflected on "imago" appellation basis as well as to the Li Shuming teacher’s“sound and heart" the thought make of, is that the harmonious and music image carries out prominent position of discussing, having demonstrated thereby "feeling" from the mental image, the feeling image and the music image within three tier of face and triples in connection specifically for music art has brought forward some self view and view. Comply with "heart’s" "quietness" together and "move" the make of being in progress to music art content and form relation in two aspects, be that the angle putting particular emphasis on "quietly" in secondary origin starts off, structure in other words , the mentality key element creating the main body and the relation that music creates have been in progress comments that to formation of core feeling ( happy (le) ) of the heart; The angle "moving" development- - - feeling of putting particular emphasis on then in the secondary heart starts off , coming to discuss creates the functional middle driving force realization using personal influence (create , perform and appreciate) concretely. "Heart’s”"quietness" is that the author has announced personal view’s from creating theory and carrying out about two aspects in fact with "moving".The author embodies because "feeling" is functional in creating every link to music art , performer minds and sentiments characteristic of getting involved in as well as other artistic form is more broad comparatively in appreciating an activity to the range appreciating person does not understand especially (even if you do not understand body language the line and the color, Person all can come true with music to the make of reflecting as perfect appreciating of one) , suggest that "feeling resembles " this one appellation therefore, to be able to embody the relation between music content and form appropriate , accurate more.


