

Research on Brahms Piano Rhapsody Op.79

【作者】 田晶

【导师】 徐莉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 音乐学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 约翰尼斯·勃拉姆斯是19世纪下半叶德国音乐文化中的一位杰出代表,是浪漫主义的新古典主义者。他用古典主义的旧瓶,装浪漫主义的新酒。勃拉姆斯创作出大量有创造性的、有个性的、富于醇厚的抒情气质的交响曲、协奏曲、室内乐、钢琴曲和合唱作品,钢琴作品虽不是他最重要的创作体裁,却是他的全部创作的起点。本论文将以勃拉姆斯的《钢琴狂想曲》(作品Op.79)作为研究对象,主要从研究两首狂想曲的创作风格、演奏技法和同体裁作品的比较上入手,从不同角度剖析勃拉姆斯独特的音乐风格。论文主要分为前言、正文、结语三大块,而正文又分为三个部分:第一部分:介绍作曲家勃拉姆斯的生平和艺术生涯。在他的艺术生涯当中,勃拉姆斯受到古典大师巴赫、贝多芬风格和创作手法的影响,最主要是受到舒曼在思想上和音乐道路上的影响。第二部分:详细运用音乐本体的方法,分析研究勃拉姆斯《钢琴狂想曲》的创作手法、曲式结构、演奏风格以及技法研究。并结合分析研究,更全面的阐述勃拉姆斯《钢琴狂想曲》具有浓厚的民族气息以及古典与浪漫相结合的显著特征。第三部分:通过分析勃拉姆斯《钢琴狂想曲》与李斯特《匈牙利狂想曲》(R.106),对同体裁之间的作品进行比较。这对于钢琴演奏风格的把握具有重要的意义,进而更深入的了解勃拉姆斯狂想曲的创作特征及其音乐风格。勃拉姆斯作品鲜明地继续了德奥古典音乐传统,并广泛地吸收了欧洲各民族音乐文化的素养。勃拉姆斯的创作生涯及其作品,使他作为德奥古典作曲家中的“最后一人”而在音乐史上享有特殊地位。

【Abstract】 Johames Brahms was an outstanding representative of Germany music culture who lived in the second half of the 19th century. He was a romantic and neoclassic composer, because he used the old bottle the classicism to contain the new liquor the romanticism. Brahms created a number of works full of creativity, individuality and rich in lyrical quality, such as the symphonies, concertos, chamber music, piano and choral compositions. Although piano was not his most genre of writing, it is a starting point of all his creations. This paper will be Piano Rhapsody (Op. 79)for the study, mainly from the study of the composing styles and performance techniques of two Rlapsodies.Besides, it will analyze Brahms’unique musical style from different aspects.The paper can be divided into three parts: the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. While the main text can be divided into three parts as well:Part I: Introduction of the great composer Brahms’life and artistic career. His career was influenced by classical master Bach and Beethoven on the parts of their composing styles and performance techniques, especially influenced by Schuman on the parts of composing thought and music path.Part II: By using the music main body method in details to analyze the creation techniques, musical form structures, performance styles as well as technique research of Brahms’Piano Rhapsody. In this way, the paper elaborates more comprehensively that Brahms’Piano Rhapsody has a strong ethic favor as well as the significant characteristics of the combination of classical and romantic music.Part III: Comparisons between the two same genre works of on Brahms’Piano Rhapsody and on Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody (R.106) by analyzing their differences and similarities. This has the vital significance regarding to the piano performance, and one can more thoroughly understand the creation characteristic and musical style of Brahms’Rhapsody. Brahms’works go on with the tradition of German Australian music as well as take in various national music of Europe. Brahms’creation and his career made him“the last composer”among the German Australian composers, thus he had an outstanding position in the world.

【关键词】 勃拉姆斯狂想曲演奏技法音乐风格比较
【Key words】 BrahmsRhapsodyPerformance techniqueMusical styleComparison
  • 【分类号】J624.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】709

