

Study on Electricity-Heterogeneous Catalysis Reactor Based on Fluidized Bed

【作者】 刘臣亮

【导师】 陈建孟; 王家德;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以初始浓度为200 mg/L水相2,4-二氯酚(2,4-DCP)降解为评价指标,开展了基于流化床结构的筒式无隔膜电.多相催化反应器研究,着重考察了粒子密度、粒子电极膨胀率、反应器有效高径比、流化介质等因素对有机物分解效率的影响,为一种新型的膨化床电解装置及其用于水相有机物分解的处理工艺提供了数据支撑。实验结果表明,γ/-Al2O3/Sb2O4+SnO2作为复极性三维电极对反应器的运行效果具有较显著的影响,填充粒子量的增多,可以增加复极化的粒子电极数量从而提高反应器对废水的处理效果,实验证明64 mL/L~80 mL/L为最佳粒子电极密度;对不同粒子电极床层膨胀率考察发现,当膨胀率增大到1时,反应器对水相2,4-DCP有很好的去除效果,而后去除效果受膨胀率增大影响变小;通过三组不同高径比的反应器实验比较,综合考虑水相2,4-DCP去除速率及能耗,以高径比为6的反应器为最优,反应60 min有85.8%2,4-DCP被去除,能耗为40.6 kWh/kg2,4-DCP;在同一反应器中,以空气和水流为流化介质时,2,4-DCP都有较好的去除效果,但气流流化的能耗远高于水流流化,并且曝气对2,4-DCP有吹脱作用,造成污染转移。在上述实验基础上形成一种膨化床电分解装置,以及相应的处理工艺,克服了粒子电极污染及堵塞,粒子及其表面活性物质流失,流化动力不足等现有电-多相反应器中存在的问题。对两种实际工业废水小试,获得得良好的处理效果及很高的电流效率。

【Abstract】 The electricity-heterogeneous catalysis reactor without septum based on fluidized bed was investigated using the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP) with a concentration of 200 mg/L as evaluating index in this thesis.The effects of structural parameters including the density of particle electrode,the ratio of bed expansion,height-diameter ratio,fluidizing agent on 2,4-DCP removal were investigated.The experimental provided the data to support a new kind of expanded-bed electrolysis device and its treatment process of organic decomposition in aqueous.The experimental results show that the density ofγ-Al2O3/Sb2O4 +SnO2 particle is a notable factor on the reaction and the oxidation ratio can be improved rapidly with the increasing of theγ-Al2O3/Sb2O4+SnO2 particle bipolarized.64 mL/L~80 mL/L is an appropriate particle density. When the particle bed expansion ratio of 1,a better removal efficiency of 2,4-DCP was got than a lower expansion ratio.General consider the degradation rate and energy consumption of 2,4-DCP,the reactor with a height-diameter ratio of 6 is the optimal,after 60min reaction 85.8% 2,4-DCP was removed with a energy consumption of 40.6 kWh/kg2,4-DCP. When use gas as fluidizing agent,got a better removal efficiency of 2,4-DCP than liquid did.But larger energy consumption was needed at remove the same 2,4-DCP.Aeration can cause the transfer of pollutants.A new kind of expanded-bed electrolysis device and its treatment process of organic decomposition in aqueous was formed based on the experimental results.The problems existing in current reactor such as the pollution and congestion of particle electrode,the loss of particle or its surface component,lower impetus were conquered.Small-scale test of two kinds of industrial wastewater were performed.A well removal efficiency and high current efficiency were got.


