

Degradation of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Using Potassium Ferrate and Ozone

【作者】 沈希裴

【导师】 潘理黎;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 印染废水具有成分复杂、难降解有机污染物含量高、色度高、CODCr值高、含盐量高等特点,传统物化、生化处理工艺对有的废水难以达标排放,特别是色度降解尤为困难。强化印染废水处理工艺,研究新的处理技术,实现废水达标排放和中水回用是企业迫切的需求。本文尝试应用高铁酸钾和臭氧联用的新方法处理含染料废水。该方法利用高铁酸钾的氧化性以及絮凝性与臭氧共同作用,破坏染料的发色基团,打开芳香环,生成分子量较小且无色的降解中间产物,甚至最终降解成为CO2和H2O,达到脱色和降解有机物的目的。通过比较单独高铁酸钾或单独臭氧以及联用处理100 mg/L活性艳红X-3B模拟废水的脱色效果和CODCr去除率,结果表明,联用处理4min后完全脱色,CODCr的去除率达46%。联用处理的脱色效果明显好于单独电晕处理和单独臭氧处理。验证了高铁酸钾和臭氧联用存在协同效应。通过高铁酸钾与臭氧联用降解三种活性染料和三种酸性染料的实验发现,活性染料在10 min内脱色率均可达到95%以上。活性染料降解速度要明显快于酸性染料。在同一类型染料下,降解速度蒽醌染料>单偶氮染料>双偶氮染料。从总体上说,高铁酸钾和臭氧联用处理对于染料废水的脱色十分迅速,在降解效率和处理时间上有一定的优越性。本文证实了高铁酸钾和臭氧联用处理染料废水有明显的协同效应,处理效率高、适用性强,占地面积小、降解速度快,能耗小,能够改善染料废水的可生化性,便于后续生化处理达标排放或中水回用,适宜于难降解印染废水的预处理。

【Abstract】 The extile wastewater was of complicated component,by a high content of refractory organic pollutants,high colority,high chemical oxygen demand and salt content,traditional physicochemical,biochemical treatment process was difficult to discharge some wastewater,color degradation was particularly difficult.Strengthen the treatment process of extile wastewater,research new treatment technology to achieve the demand of discharge to reach standard of wastewater discharge and reclaimed water reuse.The combination technology of potassium ferrate and ozone is a new kind of wastewater process,it utilizes the oxidizability and flocculability of potassium ferrate,the synergism of potassium ferrate and ozone,destroy the chromophoric groups,open the aromatic ring to produce the degrade products of smaller molecular weight and colorless,and even become to CO2 and H2O,achieve the purpose of decoloration and degradation of organic matter.Comparison the decoloration and CODCr degradation of 100 mg/L reactive red X-3B dye wastewater by potassium ferrate alone,ozone alone and potassium ferrate combined ozone,the results showed that with the combined process 4 minutes,the decoloration removal entirely and the CODCr removal 46%.the efficiency of potassium ferrate combined ozone was better than potassium ferrate alone and ozone alone.Verify the synergistic effect of potassium ferrate combined ozone.Using potassium ferrate combined ozone to degradation three types of reactive dyes and acid dyes,reactive dyes could decoloration more than 95%within 10 minutes.The degradation of reactive dyes was faster than acid dyes.In the same type of dye,the degradation rate was anthraquinone dye>monoazo dye>disazo dye.Generally speaking potassium ferrate combined ozone for decoloration of dye wastewater was very rapidly and had superiority in degradation efficiency and processing time.The paper confirmed the treatment of potassium ferrate combined ozone had synergistic effect obviously,high efficiency,high treatment efficiency,small floor area,decomposes quickly and its,less energy consumption,improve the biodegradability of dye wastewater,suitable for the pretreatment of extile wastewater.

【关键词】 高铁酸钾臭氧协同效应印染废水
【Key words】 potassium ferrateozonesynergismextile wastewater

