

Resource-exhausted City Study of Industrial Transformation

【作者】 逄惠丽

【导师】 张智光;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 资源枯竭型城市是我国城市类型中极具特色的一类,表现出独特的发展规律。突出的特点是呈现问题在前,研究解决问题滞后。国外的资源型城市有不少转型的成功经验,我国越来越多的机构和学者进行与资源枯竭型城市相关的研究,无论理论研究还是应用技术研究在某些方面都实现了突破。《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》也把“建立健全资源开发有偿使用制度和补偿机制,对资源衰退和枯竭的困难地区经济转型实行扶持措施”作为促进区域协调发展,构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容之一。本文以九里区为例,以产业经济学、区域经济学、城市经济学、统计学、系统工程、可持续发展等相关理论为基础,对资源枯竭型城区的产业转型进行了研究。运用了大量的模型,大量真实的数据,进行定性与定量分析,结合九里区现有经济发展状况、产业结构状况运用偏离份额法进行产业结构合理性评价,对九里区产业转型进行必要性分析,提出产业转型的目标。并运用因子分析法对九里区进行“现状-发展”二维评价,计算各产业现状得分及发展得分,在此基础上,以二者为横、纵坐标,对BCG矩阵进行改造,将相关产业划分为明星类产业、幼童类产业、金牛类产业及瘦狗类产业,确定九里区产业转型模式,制定产业转型战略方案,并提出有针对性的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Resource-exhausted cities in China’s urban-type characteristics of a class of high performance development of a unique law. Prominent feature is a problem in the former, research lags behind to solve the problem. Resource-based cities abroad, there are many successful experiences of transition, China’s growing number of institutions and scholars with the resource-exhausted cities in relevant research, both theoretical research or research applications are in some ways a breakthrough.“CPC Central Committee on building a harmonious socialist society the decision of a number of major issues”have to“establish and improve the system of compensation for the use of resource development and compensation mechanism, the depletion of resources and the difficulties of the recession areas of economic restructuring affirmative measures”as a means to promote regional development, building a harmonious socialist society, one of the important content.In this paper, JiuLi Borough of Xuzhou city as an example to industry economics, regional economics, urban economics, statistics, systems engineering, sustainable development and other related theory, the resource-exhausted city’s industrial transformation is studied. The use of a large number of models, a large number of real data, conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis, combined with JiuLi Borough of economic development of the current situation, the share of the industrial structure deviation from the status of the use of a reasonable method of evaluation of the industrial structure of the nine industries in the district to carry out the need for analysis, put forward the goal of industrial transformation. And the use of factor analysis of the Guri area,“the status quo - the development of”two-dimensional evaluation, calculation of the status quo of the industry and the development of scoring points, and on this basis to the two for the horizontal, vertical coordinates, the transformation of the BCG matrix, the relevant industry classified as star-type industries, very young industries, industries and thin Jinniu industries dogs to determine the area mode of industrial restructuring, the development of a strategic program of industrial restructuring and to propose specific measures and suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】478

