

A Cognitive Semantic Study of Phrasal Verbs with Back

【作者】 秦晓菲

【导师】 李瑛;

【作者基本信息】 西华大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 短语动词又称动词小品词结构,是英语成语的一个重要类别。它由动态动词加上小品词构成,表达一个不可分割的完整动词概念,构成短语动词的动态动词和小品词虽然为数不多,但它们短小精悍,能量巨大(汪榕培、卢晓娟,1997)。短语动词在当代英语中被频繁使用。McArthur(1980)说过:“短语动词很可能是说英语国家的孩子最先学到的动词形式”。正是由于短语动词在英语使用中的重要作用,长期以来,短语动词一直是研究者关注的焦点。国内外有许多关于短语动词的研究。所有这些研究可以大致分为两类:传统研究和认知研究。对短语动词的传统研究大都是从结构主义角度出发进行的,其主要代表人物有Quirk(1985)等人。传统研究主要侧重于短语动词的句法特征。Lindner(1981)是从认知角度对短语动词进行研究的第一人。根据小品词隐喻意义的层次性,Lindner对小品词up和out的意义进行了分类。Morgan继Lindner(1981)之后,对短语动词从认知的角度进行了分析。Morgan(1997)不仅使用了Lindner的大部分例子,而且还补充了更深层次的隐喻性解释。对短语动词隐喻意义的延伸,Morgan列举了四种可能性。Gries(1997)把焦点集中在及物短语动词的小品词位置研究,即是在动词的后面还是直接宾语的后面。Hampe(2000)通过对短语动词结构形成的考察提出了Morgan研究的短语动词四种意义延伸的可能性之外的第五种语义延伸方式。尽管这些方法进一步讨论了短语动词的语义形成过程,但是它们不能解释短语动词的概念意义是如何形成的;也不能解释短语动词的概念意义和小品词的概念意义具有何种联系。认知语言学理论为短语动词的研究提供了新的途径。小品词在短语动词意义形成中起到何种作用?具体到带back的短语动词,短语动词的概念意义和小品词的概念意义具有何种联系?本文将以认知语言学理论为基础,尤其是原型范畴理论、意象图式理论及认知隐喻与转喻理论,对以上问题进行研究。通过对带back短语动词语义形成的分析,得出小品词back的语义特征对其所在的短语动词的意义产生了趋向性影响。小品词back在与动词的搭配中对动词产生了两种趋向性影响:向后趋向和返回趋向,从而影响到短语动词的意义。绝大部分带back的短语动词都受到这两种趋势的影响。本论文主要包括六章。第一章是全论文的导论。简要地介绍了短语动词的重要性及短语动词研究的背景,提出本研究的目的和意义,并列出本文的结构。第二章回顾了国内外短语动词研究。所有这些研究可以大致分为两类:传统研究和认知研究。第三章简要了介绍本研究所要需要的认知理论与原则。它们是:原型范畴理论、意象图式理论及认知隐喻理论。第四章与第五章是本论文的主体部分。第四章是对小品词back的认知语义进行的分析。首先,分析了小品词back的空间意义。接着概括出小品词back的隐喻拓展意义。最后总结出小品词back的概念意义。第五章是对带back短语动词的认知语义分析。首先,通过语料整理与数据分析,得出动词词频与对应的带back短语动词义项数量之间的关系。动词的词频越高,词汇化能力就越强,受到小品词back的影响就越大,搭配之后就能获得较多的义项;反之,动词的词频越低,词汇化能力减弱,受到小品词back的影响就越小,搭配之后获得的义项较少。其次,基于短语动词意义的分析,总结出带back的短语动词大致可归纳出十七个常见义项。并归纳出带back短语动词的两大主要义群:向后义群和返回义群。最后,文章分析了小品词back对短语动词语义形成过程中的影响。小品词back在与动词搭配的过程中,对动词产生了趋势上的影响,从而影响了整个短语动词的意义。绝大部分带back的短语动词都受到这种趋势的影响。第六章是对本文的研究所做的总结。

【Abstract】 Phrasal verbs are also called Verb-Particle Constructions, which are important kinds of English idioms. Phrasal verb is constituted by a verb and particle, behaving as an integrated verb concept. The number of the verb and particle which constitute phrasal verbs is not large, but the verb and particle can create a lot of expressions (Wang Peirong & Lu Xiaojuan, 1997). Phrasal verbs are frequently used in modem English. McArthur (1980) said: ’Phrasal verb is probably the first form that children in English-speaking countries have learned.’ Because of the importance of phrasal verbs in English, phrasal verbs have been the focus of language researchers for a long time.Numerous studies have been conducted on the phrasal verbs both in China and abroad. All of these studies can be roughly divided into two approaches: traditional and cognitive. Most traditional studies of phrasal verbs are conducted from the structural perspective. Quirk et al are the representatives. Traditional studies attach more value to the syntactic features of particles verbs. The cognitive account of the phrasal verbs started from Lindner (1981) who offers a lexico-semantic analysis of English verb-particle construction with up and out. Morgan (1997), inspired by Lindner’s study, tries to give deeper metaphorical interpretations of the examples used in Lindner’s paper. He summarizes four possibilities for metaphorical extensions with a verb-particle construction. Gries (1997) focuses on a subclass of phrasal verbs. i.e. transitive phrasal verbs and the ensuing question of particle placement after the verb itself or after the direct object. In 2000, Hampe dealt with a fifth case of metaphorisation in the formation of a verb-particle construction. Although these approaches look much deeper into the process of semantic formation of the phrasal verbs, none of them can explain how the conceptual meanings of phrasal verbs form or the connections between the conceptual meanings of phrasal verbs and the particles.Cognitive theories provide a new approach for the study of phrasal verbs. What are the functions do the particles play in forming of the conceptual meanings of phrasal verbs? What are the connections between the conceptual meanings of phrasal verbs and the particles? This thesis will offer some answers to the above questions on the basis of cognitive linguistic theories especially the prototype theory, image schema theory and cognitive metaphor theory. Through the research on semantic meanings of phrasal verbs with back, it can be concluded that the semantic features of the particle back affect the meanings of phrasal verbs with back. The conceptual meanings of the particle back affect the corresponding verbs on two tendencies: backwardness tendency and return tendency, which influences the meanings of phrasal verbs. Most of the phrasal verbs with back are effected by these two tendencies.This thesis includes six chapters. Chapter One is an introduction of the whole thesis. The importance of phrasal verbs is provided, and the background of phrasal verbs study is mentioned. Then the objectives and scope of this research are also presented. Finally the organization of the thesis is outlined. Chapter Two surveys the previous studies of phrasal verbs both in China and abroad. In this chapter, both traditional and recent cognitive approaches will be presented. Chapter Three is devoted to the theoretical framework of this thesis. In this chapter, the cognitive theories and principles that we apply in solving the research questions will be briefly presented. They are in turn: prototype theory, image schema theory and cognitive metaphor theory. Chapter Four and Chapter Five are the main parts of the thesis. Chapter Four is on the analysis of the particle back. The author firstly analyzes the spatial meaning of back, and then concludes the metaphorical meaning of back. Finally the meanings of back are conceptualized. Chapter Five is the cognitive semantic study of phrasal verbs with back. Firstly, the relationship between verb frequency and senses of corresponding verbs + back is studied on the basis of quantitative corporal analyses. The stronger the lexicalizing ability is, the more senses the verbs get after combining with back; the weaker the lexicalizing ability is, the less senses the verbs get after combining with back. Secondly, 17 main senses of phrasal verbs with back are concluded. Two main sense clusters are also generalized: Backwardness Cluster and Return Cluster. Finally, the effect of the meanings of the particle back on the meanings of phrasal verbs with back is discussed. In the process of combining, the particle back generates a tendency for the verb, which affects the meanings of the phrasal verbs. Most of the phrasal verbs are affected by the tendency. Chapter Six is the conclusion of the whole thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

