

Genetic Diversity and Germplasm Resources Conservation of Different Torreya Grandis Fort Ex Lindl

【作者】 闵会

【导师】 康志雄; 程诗明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江林学院 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 香榧(Torreya grandis Fort.ex Lindl)系裸子植物红豆杉科(Taxaceae)榧属(Torreya)常绿乔木,为我国特有的珍贵多用途经济干果树种。本文选取香榧主要分布区具有代表性的6个群体共92个个体的叶片和果实为实验材料,采用表型和分子标记(AFLP)两种不同的方法分别从不同层次来揭示香榧天然群体群体的遗传多样性,为香榧遗传多样性保护策略的提出、种质资源保存及优异种质筛选提供了科学合理的理论依据。主要研究结果如下:1表型性状多样性分析各性状变异系数(CV)分别为:果实长14.15%、果实宽3.95%、果实重33.92%、针叶长18.85%、针叶宽15.48%、种子长15.44%、种子宽15.77%、种子重34.71%。各表型性状的表型分化系数(Vst)平均值为10.8%,其中:果实长11.9%、果实宽19.1%、果实重0.1%、针叶长12.0%、针叶宽1.0%、种子长16.7%、种子宽14.6%、种子重10.8%。方差分析表明,群体内方差分量百分比的平均值为72.8%,大于群体间8.7%。2香榧天然群体遗传多样性的AFLP分析采用8对AFLP引物共获得364条清晰谱带,其中多态性条带63条。方差分析表明,在谱带频率总方差贡献中,群体内占88.86%,大于群体间11.14%。各群体多态位点百分率介于79.73%-98.41%;Nei基因多样性介于0.3096-0.3768;Shannon信息指数介于0.4548-0.5471;等位基因数介于1.7939-1.9841;有效等位基因数介于1.5416-1.6759。基因分化系数为0.1136,基因流为3.8997,遗传一致度平均值为0.9174,遗传距离平均值为0.0797。香榧天然群体具有较为丰富的遗传多样性,且遗传变异主要集中在群体内。3香榧表型及AFLP分子标记比较研究发现,二者的相关系数为0.9783,具有较高的相关吻合性,证明二者揭示香榧天然群体遗传多样性结果的一致性。

【Abstract】 Torreya grandis Fort.ex Lindl is evergreen arbor species,which belong to Taxaceae and Torreya.It is China′s unique high-quality dry fruit,it has high economic value. Phenotypic identification and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 92 Torreya grandis Fort ex Lindl from 6 different populations. Which can provide a scientific and rational theoretical basis for protective strategy of diversity, germplasm resources conservation and screening of superior germplams. The main results are as follows:1 Phenotypic diversityThe CV of six groups of phenotypical traits, which are the length, width, weight of fruit and seed, the length ,width of leaf are 14.15%, 3.95%, 33.92%, 15.44%, 15.77%, 34.71%, 18.85%, 15.48%.The average of Vst among populations is 10.8%, with the length, width, weight of fruit and seed, the length ,width of leaf are 11.9%, 19.1%, 0.1%, 16.7%, 14.6%, 10.8%, 12.0%, 1.0%. Analysis of variance showed that the variance component within populations (72.8%)is sligntly greater than that of among populations(8.7%).2 Genetic diversity of different populations by AFLPAmplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyze the genetic diversity of 92 Torreya grandis Fort ex Lindl from 6 different populations. Total of 364 locis of Torreya grandis genome were examined for molecular variation and 63 locis were polymorphic. Analysis of variance showed that the percentage of variance components was 11.14% among populations and 88.86% within populations. The percentage of polymorphic loci(P)ranging from 79.73% to 98.41%,the Nei′gene diversity(H) ranging from 0.3096 to 0.3768.the number of alleles(A)ranging from 1.7939 to 1.9841,the effective number of alleles(Ae)ranging from 1.5416-1.6759,Shannon information index(I)ranging from 0.4548 to 0.5471.As for Torreya grandis Fort ex Lindl,genetic differentiation coefficient among 6 populations (Gst)is 0.1136. The gene flow among 6 populations(Nm)is 3.8997. The average genetic identity is 0.9174 and the average genetic distance is 0.0797. The Torreya grandis Fort ex Lindl has a high diversity and the genetic variation is mainly concentrated within populations.3 Comparison of the two results showed that , the correlation coefficient between phenotypic diversity and Genetic diversity of different populations by AFLP is 0.9783, which proved the consistency of the two results.

【关键词】 香榧表型AFLP分析遗传多样性
【Key words】 Torreya grandis Fort ex LindlphenotypicAFLP Analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

