

Orthogonal Multiscreen Film Special Adaptive Technology Splicing

【作者】 陈昊

【导师】 杨华民;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分析了前人在图像拼接领域的研究成果和研究现状,介绍了图像拼接的流程、图像的采集以及常见的图像变换模型。重点研究了图像拼接技术中的图像配准及图像融合等关键技术。分析和总结了现有的图像拼接的主要方法、性能以及存在的问题。通过对各种拼接算法优缺点的比较,本文提出了一种基于特征的改进算法。该算法综合利用了兴趣点的亮度信息和空间信息,使用Harris角检测器提取出兴趣点,采用兴趣点主方向和互相关系数相结合的方法提取出初始匹配对,根据特征点的整体匹配度剔除伪匹配对,得到两帧图像的对应兴趣点特征对;根据匹配对计算出图像的变换参数;在原始图像上得到初始匹配点后采用RANSAC算法稳健估计变换矩阵H;为了提高配准算法的精度,采用变换矩阵H,引导两帧原始图像上的所有特征点重新进行匹配,对得到的匹配点集重新用RANSAC算法估计变换矩阵,并采用LM非线性优化算法进一步优化,最后通过基于最佳缝合线的方法进行融合图像。把本文提出的图像配准和融合的改进算法结合在一起,通过实验分析,该算法准确率高,鲁棒性强,具有较高的使用价值。可以使多个投影机合成的图像构成一个整体,无缝隙,亮度均匀的图像。从而使观众体验到沉浸感超强的完美体验,是正交多幕特种电影生产制作过程中必不可少的重要环节。最后对本文还存在的问题进行总结并对图像拼接的发展前景进行展望。

【Abstract】 The paper analyzes the effort of image mosaic that the researchers have achieved, and then the thesis discusses the basic steps of image mosaic, image acquisition methods and models of image mosaic. Moreover, it researches with emphasis in the two core technology of image mosaic, which are the image registration technology and the image fusion technology. The common image registration methods and image fusion methods are introduced, and their performance as well as the existing problems is analyzed. Through a variety of advantages and disadvantages of the splicing method of comparison, this paper, a feature-based algorithm. The intensity information and position information of interest point is utilized in this algorithm. Interest points are firstly extracted by the Harris angle detector in this method, and initial matches are extracted by the method of dominant orientation and cross correlation, then the false matches are rejected according to the matching degrees of feature points. Transform parameters are determined by the matches, and weighted average method is used to blend images. After getting initial matching points on the original image, use an RANSAC algorithm to estimate transformation matrix between two images; the transformation matrix is used to guide local point matching again, then combine RANSAC algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt optimization to decrease registration error. Finally, based on the best methods of suture fusion image.In this paper, the image registration and image integration to combine image mosaic for the experiment show that the algorithm accuracy, robustness and high value. So that the projector can be more than a synthetic image as a whole, seamless, uniform brightness of the image. So that viewers experience a sense of immersion into the super-perfect experience, is the special orthogonal multi-screen film production process essential to the production of an important link. Finally, this paper, there are still problems and sum up the image mosaic for the future development prospects.

  • 【分类号】J941
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】59

