

【作者】 丁俊东

【导师】 杜国平;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国际上采用的电子不停车收费(ETC:Electronic Toll Collection)系统中,车载设备(OBE:On-Board Equipment)使用的射频识别工作频率主要有三种:902~928MHz、2.45GHz、5.8GHz。这些车载设备互不兼容,而且成本较高。因此,开发更具竞争力的车载设备具有实际意义和研究价值。论文以此为背景,结合ETC系统的要求,提出了基于新兴的ZigBee技术的车载设备解决方案。硬件方面,采用集成了无线收发器和微控制器的CC2430搭建硬件平台,通过对比测试各种天线的性能选择最适合车载设备的天线。软件方面,参考TI公司提供的免费协议栈,并结合ETC系统的特点,设计了适合车载设备与路侧读写设备(RSE:Road-Side Equipment)无线通信的树状网络拓扑结构和应用层帧结构,编写了各模块驱动程序,实现了车载设备功能。论文针对车辆通过收费站的速度问题,分别从车载设备加入网络所需时间、数据传输能力以及完成整个付费过程的用时三个方面对车载设备进行了测试。测试结果显示,车辆在不高于50km/h的速度下通过收费站可以成功实现付费。论文研究测试结果表明,该车载设备解决方案基本符合ETC系统的要求,具有一定的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Presently, in Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) system, the main types of working frequency of radio frequency(RF) identification used in On-Board Equipment(OBE) are 902~928MHz, 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz. However, the OBE are usually incompatible and high costing. So developing more competitive OBE has important applied value. In this paper, a new solution project of OBE is put forward based on the emerging ZigBee technique.This paper proposes a detailed solution project of OBE based on ZigBee technique and ETC system. First, the hardware platform is structured by the CC2430 which is integrated with wireless transceiver and microcontroller. In order to select the appropriate antenna of OBE, testing is given to compare the signal strength and link quality of different antennas. Then, referring to the free protocol stack provided by TI, the tree network topology and application-layer frame structure are designed based on the characteristics of ETC system, and they can complete the wireless communication of Road-Side Equipment (RSE). Finally, this paper program the driving of different components and realize the function of OBE.For the problem of vehicle speed when cars get across the toll booths, this paper takes tests in the aspects of the time required to join the network, data transmission capacity and the time of completing the payment process. Testing results show that it can realize the payment when the speed of vehicle passing the toll booths is lower than 50km / h.The testing results show that the solution project of OBE studied in this paper can meet the requirement of ETC system and has a bright application prospects.

【关键词】 ZigBeeETC车辆自动识别CC2430
【Key words】 ZigBeeETCAutomatic Vehicle IdentificationCC2430
  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】366

