

【作者】 刘冰冰

【导师】 孔德仁;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国现行的塑性测压校准自建国以来,一直沿用前苏联的校准方法和技术设备,技术水平落后,尚未形成完整的塑性测压校准和量传体系。本文在对静态标定系统中相关设备和测压元件进行溯源研究的基础上,得出“标准”铜柱是量值传递体系中极为重要的一环,应对其进行深入的研究。运用最小二乘法对三种型号十几个批次的测压铜柱和五个批次的“标准”铜柱进行二阶多项式拟合,得其拟合方程。在其模型的基础上进行了同型号各批次铜柱之间的一致性分析并对每个批次铜柱压力灵敏度进行计算。分析了“标准”铜柱测量不确定度的来源,从中找到制定“标准”铜柱判据的切入点,给出了制定“标准”铜柱判据应限制的几个指标。通过对大量“标准”铜柱的实验数据进行处理,得到“标准”铜柱的判据。为了验证此判据的合理性,对三个型号十几个批次的测压铜柱进行了分析,证明“标准”铜柱的判据是可用的。对“标准”铜柱编表方法进行研究,为了考核由“标准”铜柱选出的一个小样本编制的“标准”铜柱压力对照表能否反映该批“标准”铜柱总体的特性,从某批“标准”铜柱中随机选出三个小样本,并进行了静态标定试验,然后用所得的数据进行静态编表实践。在同一变形量下,对三份“标准”铜柱压力对照表进行了压力计算和各压力误差计算,验证了误差在规定的范围内,证明“标准”铜柱编表的一致性。对“标准”铜柱计量保证方案进行了初步探讨。

【Abstract】 The current plastic pressure-measuring calibration in our country has been using the Soviet Union’s calibration method and technical equipment since our country was built. It is backward in technical level and has not form a complete plastic pressure-measuring calibration and quality transfer system yet.The paper has got a conclusion that "standard" copper cylinder has an important position in quality transfer system through researching the traceability of relevant equipments and pressure-measuring components in static calibration system. So the "standard" copper cylinders should be researched in depth.Least square fitting method is used to got the second order polynomial fitting curves of more than ten batches pressure-measuring copper cylinders in three types and five batches "standard " copper cylinders.The consistency of several batches in one type is analysed and the pressure sensitivity of each batches is calculated.The source of pressure-measuring copper cylinders’ uncertainty has been analysed.The breakthrough point of "standard" copper cylinders’ criterion is found through it.Several indexes to be restricted are got to copper cylinders’ criterion made.The criterion of "standard" copper cylinders is made through processing a large number of "standard" copper cylinders’ experimental data.In order to verify the reasonableness of the criterion,more than ten batches’ copper cylinders’ in three types are analysed to prove that the "standard" copper cylinders’ criteria is available.The method of "standard" copper cylinders’ table making is researched.In order to test the "standard" copper cylinders’ pressure comparison table made by a small "standard" copper cylinders’ sample can reflect the characteristic of "standard" copper cylinders’ collectivity of a certain batch.The static calibration experiment is doing with three small samples randomly selected from a certain "standard" copper cylinders’ batch. The data got from the experiment are used to make static pressure comparison table.The pressure and pressure error are calculated according to the three "standard" copper cylinders’ pressure comparison table.Consistency of "standard" copper cylinders’ table made is proved through testing the pressure error in a cetain range that is known before."Standard" copper cylinders’ measurement assurance program is discussed primarily.

  • 【分类号】TB93
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】81

