

【作者】 刘杰

【导师】 黄寅生; 刘大斌; 占必文;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 化学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 粉状乳化炸药是一种兼具粉状炸药和乳化炸药优点的,不含TNT等单质炸药的新型粉状工业炸药。由于其具有优良的爆炸性能和抗水性能,因此得到了广泛的推广和应用。但本公司在新建8000t/a粉状乳化炸药生产线试生产过程中,总是出现结块硬化、储存期短和药粉体积收缩等产品质量问题。本文为了实现产品质量符合WJ9025—2004粉状乳化炸药标准的技改目标,在工业炸药理论、乳化及喷雾制粉机理的基础上,从粉状乳化炸药的工艺配方、工艺操作参数、设备运行参数和产品性能等方面,对影响粉状乳化炸药产品质量的因素进行了分析,确定了工艺配方、工艺操作参数和设备运行参数的调试方向。通过对工艺操作参数、设备运行参数进行调试,采用产品性能检测验证调试效果的办法,确定了工艺操作参数和设备运行参数。主要是用提高乳化器转速到800r/min,控制压缩热空气的温度在80~100℃等参数,保证粉状乳化炸药W/O结构尽量保持完整。用降低风系统调频电机频率,减小各风门开启度的办法,调节系统的风流量,使振动流化床发挥较好的降温功能,将出料温度控制在30℃以下,避免硝酸铵发生Ⅲ型→Ⅳ型的晶型转化。经验表明,装药密度控制在0.88~0.92g/cm~3之间时,可以有效减少产品结块硬化现象。在采取了这一系列措施以后,产品结块硬化、储存期短和药粉体积收缩等质量问题得到了全面解决。经检测,产品质量达到并超过了WJ9025—2004粉状乳化炸药标准规定的质量要求,技改目标实现。

【Abstract】 Powdery Emulsion Explosive (PEE) is a new industrial explosive which has both the advantage of powdery explosive and emulsion explosive, without single compound explosive such as TNT in it. Because of its excellent blasting and water-resistance performance, PEE has widely applied and extended. But the PEE produced in our company’s new 8000t/a line always occurred quality issues such as caking, shorted storage life and volume contraction. In order to produce PEE which meet "WJ9025-2004 Powdery Emulsion Explosive" standard, formula of PEE, action parameter of technology, operational factor of equipment and explosive performance have been analyzed to determine their adjustable direction in this paper.Action parameter of technology and operational factor of equipment have been determined according to the performance testing of PEE. Rotate speed of the emulsifier is increased to 800r/min. The temperature of compressed air is controlled from 80℃to 100℃. Try to preserve the complete W/O(water in oil) micro structure of PEE is always the best. Amount of wind is adjusted by decreasing motor base frequency and opening degree of air valve. Cooling function of vibrated fluidized bed is optimized to control the temperature of PEE under 30℃, and crystal transfer of ammonium nitrate from III→IV is avoided. According to our experience, charge density in the range of 0.88-0.92g/cm~3 is the best to prevent caking of PEE. With the above series of measures, quality issues of caking, shorted storage life and volume contraction are totally solved.The PEE is designated to meet and exceed "WJ9025-2004 Powdery Emulsion Explosive" standard. Technological upgrading aim is realized.


