

【作者】 仓黎黎

【导师】 钱芸生;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 非制冷红外热成像技术无论在军事领域还是在民用领域,都有着重要的作用和广泛的应用市场及前景。急迫的军用和民用需求,推动着红外技术持续迅猛发展。为了提高图像的分辨率,满足各种条件下的适用场合,目前384×288探测器开始逐渐取代320×240探测器成为主流探测器。本文首先介绍了红外热成像技术的发展与现状,嵌入式系统与FPGA技术的基本概念,在此基础上研究了红外辐射特性、红外光学系统与红外焦平面阵列的工作原理,分析了红外图像信号特点及非均匀性校正算法。接着,在参考原320×240红外热成像系统的基础上,结合UL03041型红外探测器的工作原理及性能,本文提出了完整的384×288红外热成像系统设计方案,并重新选用了EP3C55F484C8N型FPGA芯片、HY57V93220T型SDRAM芯片应用于硬件电路设计。最后,根据系统工作要求,本文改进了FPGA系统中的片内逻辑模块和NiosⅡ处理器模块,对系统的时序管理、IRFPA的驱动控制、图像系统工作模式切换、视频合成、菜单界面的切换、SDRAM读写等功能进行了增加与改进。在此基础上对系统进行软硬件调试,最终获得了红外图像。

【Abstract】 The uncooled infrared imaging system plays an important role and has a large market, whether in military fields or civilian fields.For the pressing military and civilian requirments, the infrared imaging technology is rapidly developing.To improve the resolution of the infrared image and meet the need of usage in any situation,the 384×288 detector is gradually replacing the 320×240 detector and becoming the preferred detector.In the beginning of this paper,the development and actuality of the infrared imaging technology,the basic conceptions of embedded system and FPGA technology are introduced. Then we make a study on the characteristics of infrared radiation,the operational principle of infrared optics system and focal plane array.On the basis of the old 320×240 infrared imaging system,this paper provides a integrated design plan for the 384×288 infrared imaging system by using the UL03041 detector.In this new system,the FPGA chip is replaced by a new type of EP3C55F484CSN,and a SDRAM(HY57V93220T) memory is added to the circuit.To meet the requirement of system,we did a lot of work to improve the system performance, including:improving the on-chip logic modules and NiosⅡprocessor inside the FPGA,such as the system timing management,the driving control of IRFPA,the switching of system working model,the switching between video interface and menu interface,the write and read operation to the SDRAM.Upon these improvements and debugging in hardware and software, the infrared image finally comes out on a monitor.

  • 【分类号】TN215
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】381

