

Geological Features of Typic Lead-zinc Deposits in Maizi Basin in Altay Mountains and Mineral Resources Quantitative Prediction

【作者】 黄玮

【导师】 孙宝生;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 阿尔泰地区位于新疆省北部,构造上处在西伯利亚板块和哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块汇聚带,是中亚造山带的重要组成部分,这两大板块及其之间古亚洲洋的长期相互作用控制着该区的构造演化,同时也制约着该区的矿床特征。该区域广泛分布发育晚古生代的火山-沉积岩并伴有丰富的多金属矿产,因而,该地区不仅在全球的地质构造演化研究中占有重要地位,而且也是我国重要的大型固体矿产资源基地之一。阿尔泰地区是新疆亦是全国重要的有色、贵金属、稀有金属成矿带,可可托海稀有金属白云母伟晶岩矿床闻名于世,阿舍勒富铜矿床、喀拉通克铜镍矿床、可可塔勒铅锌矿床、蒙库铁矿床等均是国内有名的矿床,此地虽然经多年的勘查,矿床资源潜力仍不可低估。近年的地质地球化学找矿及地质勘探显示,阿尔泰地区有色金属矿产的成矿潜力较大,其中最有找矿前景的是麦兹盆地、克兰盆地、阿舍勒盆地、冲乎尔盆地。而其中麦兹盆地含矿地层分布较广,盆地内铅、锌、镉、铜等元素地球化学异常密集,范围大、强度高、浓集中心明显,具有较好的找矿前景,特别是铅、锌的找矿前景更为乐观。本文是以成矿系列理论为指导,研究区域成矿规律,剖析典型矿床成矿特征,建立典型矿床描述性模型;全面分析综合工作区地质、矿产、地球物理、地球化学、等工作成果,结合典型矿床描述性模型,确定预测元素,建立区域预测评价模型;对未知区进行类比预测,圈定预测区,估算资源量。在多种信息联合使用时,遵循以地质信息为基础、最有效方法提供的信息为先导进行预测。在前人工作的基础上,对比分析麦兹盆地三种典型铅锌矿床的成矿规律,从元素组合,已知矿点出发,利用铅锌矿体产生的不同梯度面积和矿体储量的对应关系,分别对麦兹盆地内的铅锌矿资源量进行预测。论文系统收集了麦兹盆地的地质、矿产、航磁、重力、化探等基础数据,在ARCGIS平台上完成了数据库的集成。建立了麦兹盆地块状硫化物型,磁铁硫化物型,及萤石方铅矿型典型矿床预测评价模型,圈定了3种类型的异常区域;其中块状硫化物型铅锌异常区57个,磁铁硫化物型138个,萤石方铅矿型73个。运用改进的次生晕估算该区资源量为锌1248万吨,铅351万吨。对面金属量法进行了改进,通过对麦兹盆地异常区资源量的预测实验结果显示,利用致矿异常区的次生晕异常,可以更好、更准确的预测出矿床位置和矿体规模。

【Abstract】 The Altay Mountains is located in the north part of the XinJiang province; it is a very important part of central Asian orogenic belt between the Siberia plate and Kazakhstan-Junggar plate in structure, these two plates and the Paleo-Asian ocean interaction with each other and controls this area structure development, at the same time the character of deposit. This area have extensive distribute the last Paleozoic volcano-sediment rock and companion polymetallic mineralization. So Altay deposit area is a very important solid resource basement of our country. In this area, we have found many of famous deposit, for example Asele copper deposit, Kalatongke copper-nickel deposit, Keketale lead-zinc deposit and Menku iron ore deposit. Even though we have spend many of time perambulate here, but the potential of resources we still can’t underrate.Recently geochemistry and prospection show that the potential of Altay area polymetallic resources is very huge, Maizi basin is one of the basins in the north of Altay, the lead, zinc, cadmium and copper element geochemistry character of anomalies is significantly.In this paper, the research order the metallogenic theory, study on the typical mineral deposit in this basin, colligate analysis geology, deposit, geophysical, geochemistry information. Ascertain the forecast element; Building the model of regional resources prediction; based on the data analysis three typical lead-zinc mineral deposit law of metallogenic, found the relation ship between the geochemistry secondary halo and reserves of deposit, and calculate the lead-zinc reserves in Maizi basin.In order to finish this paper, based on ARCGIS platform support, built a information system include geology, deposit, aeromagnetic, gravity, geochemistry and so on. Building the massive magnetite deposit, magnetite-sulfide type lead-zinc deposit and fluorite-bearing lead deposit prediction model, plot out this three type of geochemistry abnormal area in the Maizi basin, the number of massive magnetite type area is 57, magnetite-sulfide type lead-zinc type is 138, and fluorite-bearing lead type area is 73. Improvement of areal productivity method has been made in this thesis; total resource of lead of this style is 3.51 Mt, zinc 12.48 Mt.Improvement of areal productivity method has been made in this thesis; a pilot study was launched during field work which showed that properly use of portable instruments of geophysical and geochemical on abnormity area will help ours to find prediction the deposit position and reserve.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

