

Design and Realization of Virtual Laboratory for Pitch Control of Wind Turbine

【作者】 包献文

【导师】 王维庆;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 实验室是培养专业人才和理论创新的基地,虚拟实验室的出现为构建高性能的实验室提供了一个有效的途径,它改变了传统的实验模式,使得实验方式发生了革命性的变化。针对风力发电实验室建设的诸多弊端,本文设计了风力机变桨控制的虚拟实验室。实验室充分利用了LabVIEW和Matlab/Simulink两软件的强大功能,采用Matlab/Simulink搭建风力发电机组模型,设计了风力机变桨距控制的模糊控制器,并与传统的PID控制相对比,分析控制效果。LabVIEW做为实验室的主体,调用Matlab仿真模型,进行数据交换。文中详细介绍了实验室的数据采集、实验控制以及数据存储、生成报表等工作的实现方法。该虚拟实验室的具有良好的操作界面、先进的控制策略和高效的数据处理功能,实验人员可以通过该实验室了解风力发电系统的基本原理,调整实验参数,观察机组的输出性能,优化机组的控制方法。

【Abstract】 Laboratory is a base for training professionals and theoretical innovation. The emergence of virtual laboratory which started up a revolutionary change in experimental approach have provided an effective way to build high-performance laboratory and changed the traditional experimental model. This paper designed a virtual laboratory for the picth control of wind turbine which can make up many drawbacks in the construction of wind power laboratory. The laboratory takes the advantages of LabVIEW and Matlab/Simulink, adopts Matlab/Simulink to build wind turbine model which contains a fuzzy controller for variable pitch control, and analyzes the control effect by comparing with the traditional PID control strategy. LabVIEW as the main body of the laboratory, calls Matlab simulation model for data exchange. This paper introduced the method of data acquisition, experiment control, data storage and generating in detail. The Virtual Laboratory has a good user interface, advanced control strategies and high-effective data processed functions. In this laboratory, the experimental officers can grasp the basic principles of Wind Power Generation System,adjust the experiment parameters and observe the output performance of the unit and optimize the control control strategy.

【关键词】 虚拟LabVIEW风力发电变桨控制
【Key words】 VirtualLabVIEWWind Power Generationpitch control
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】TM315;TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】224
  • 攻读期成果

