

Camera Interface Design in SOC

【作者】 王振宇

【导师】 张玉明;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是针对多媒体芯片市场,开发的一种通用摄像头接口,在功能上对多媒体芯片进行扩展,增强其市场竞争力。文中介绍的Camera interface(摄像头接口)是以国际电信联盟无线电协议为基础,设计的一种通用接口。可以支持bypass(旁路)模式;支持RGB565,YUV(ITU601/ITU656)三种输入数据模式;各种出错检验和中断。并可以在数据连续处理中,支持任意模式的切换。因此本接口比同类型产品更具有市场竞争能力。本论文采用自顶向下的正向设计方法,对camera interface进行具体设计和实现。包括系统划分、编写代码、功能仿真与验证、逻辑综合。在设计的不同阶段使用了不同的EDA工具,包括NC_Verilog,Debussy,Design Compile等。在具体实现上,本文给出了camera interface的各个模块的详细设计,包括:寄存器配置及定义,顶层TOP模块,具体的算法模块,异步FIFO(First In First Out,先进先出缓存)。在camera interface设计中,考虑到速度、面积和功耗等因素,对各个模块的具体设计做了优化,例如在低功耗设计中,引入了门控时钟的设计。论文最后给出了camera interface综合优化、仿真测试和分析的结果。结果表明,所设计的camera interface功能上已达到设计要求。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this thesis is developing a universal camera interface in multimedia chip market, expansion of the multimedia chip in the functional, to enhance itst competitiveness in marke.In this paper, the top-down design method will be adopted. The design phases include system division, writing code, functional simulation, verification, and logic synthesis. The whole project covered a complete front-end design process, and different stages in the design used different EDA tools, including NC_Verilog, Debussy, Design Compile, etc.The actual realization chapters of this paper gives you a detailed design of the camera interface’s modules, which include the register configuration, definition of the TOP module, the specific algorithm module, and the asynchronous FIFO. During this design, by taking into account the speed, size and power consumption and other factors, the specific design of each module is optimized accordingly, such as the adoption of the clock gating design by considering the power. After the optimization, simulation testing and results analysis, the result of this project shows that the design of camera interface function has reached the design goals, which are to support the bypass mode, to gain a variety of error detections and interrupt generation, to support RGB565, YUV ITU601/ITU65 input data format, as well as to support the switch between any two modes during data processing.Camera interface is based on the International Telecommunication Union Radio agreement, the design is a common interface. Camera interface can support the bypass bypass mode; support RGB565, YUV (ITU601/ITU656) three types of input data model; a variety of error testing and interruption. And can be dealt with in the data to support any mode switching. So the interface is more competitive than the same type of products in the market.

【关键词】 SoC异步FIFO功能验证Camra Interface
【Key words】 SoCAsynchronous FIFOFunction VerificationCamera Interface
  • 【分类号】TN47
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】71

