

Studies on Composting Technology of Sawdust and Rice Husk as Media

【作者】 尚秀华

【导师】 谢耀坚;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着有机基质栽培成为我国目前推广应用最多的一种无土栽培形式,生产有机基质作为一种无土栽培形式在我国广泛应用,同时,社会对有机基质需求量增加。有机废弃物是较好的无土栽培基质的原料,例如椰糠、稻壳、木屑、花生壳等,有机废弃物的利用是未来基质选料的一个主要发展方向。但有机废弃物本身稳定性差并且含有有毒物质、杂草种子等不能直接使用,必须经过一定的工艺处理后才能用于栽培基质。有机废弃物基质化处理方法以腐熟发酵为主,腐熟的本质是固体废弃物分解为相对稳定的腐殖质物质的过程,本研究采用的是好氧高温腐熟技术。本文选择了木屑、稻壳两种原料作为有机废弃物基质化腐熟处理的主要研究对象。我们主要研究适用于有机废弃物基质化腐熟处理的发酵装置,用来控制腐熟条件因子,并应用发酵装置研究适用于木屑、稻壳腐熟处理的氮源、微生物菌剂的种类及添加量。通过深入系统的研究得出以下研究结果:(1)木屑、稻壳腐熟处理经历的升温阶段、高温阶段、降温阶段的温度变化和室温无相关性。堆料腐熟过程中达到的最高温度和高温持续时间与外界温度无关,只要外界温度达到微生物菌剂的启动温度15℃腐熟即可进行;有机废弃物基质化腐熟处理高温过程以45℃~55℃为宜。(2)木屑、稻壳经过腐熟处理其理化性质得到改良,具体表现为:容重增加、总孔隙度增大、持水孔隙度增大、阳离子代换量(CEC)增加、水气比增加。由于木屑、稻壳等有机废弃物本身持水性能较差,在育苗过程中难以保持较多的水分,经过腐熟处理后持水性能大大改善。(3)木屑、稻壳经过腐熟处理后总碳量下降、总氮量上升、C/N比降低,有机质被大量分解,腐熟较好的处理其T值降至0.5以下;纤维素分解率30%以上,可溶性糖分解率达50%以上。(4)微生物菌剂研究中发现添加酵素菌能够较快的达到最高温度,添加EM菌达到最高温度所需要的时间较长,但最高温度高于添加酵素菌、发酵菌的处理。有机废弃物腐熟处理添加微生物菌剂以1%为宜。从整体评价指标看微生物菌剂种类对腐熟和育苗影响差异性不大,只要含有足够的菌数即可促进有机废弃物腐熟进程。(5)有机氮源鸡粪等更利于木屑、稻壳腐熟发酵,添加鸡粪有利于堆体达到较高的温度;无机氮源中以硫酸铵腐熟效果最好;腐熟过程中添加过磷酸钙其育苗效果良好,以添加1%为宜。(6)木屑、稻壳混配后进行腐熟处理其腐熟效果较之单一原料腐熟效果要好。腐熟后的基质进行育苗试验,苗木质量最好的两个处理T5、T2,其木屑、稻壳混配比例分别为8:2、2:8,从育苗效果来看可以不用和其他基质复混直接用作育苗基质,可在生产上使用。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, there is a trend in manufacture of organic media to have with merits of environmentally-friendly, economic, intensive and physically-and-chemically-good properties. The organic media has become the most widely used soil-free cultivation method. The organic waste will be the main choice of future media material because of the fine properties, such as coconut husk, rice husk,sawdusk and peanut husk. But for the low stability and poisonous as plant seed substances in it, the organic waste can’t be use as organic media directly certain decompsting processes. At present, the method to turn organic waste into high quality organic media was composting, the essence of which is the process of decomposing solid waste into relatively-steady humus. This study was based on the technology of aerobic at high temperature composting.Rice husk and sawdust are chosen as main materials in this study of composting of organic waste into media. The goal of this research was to discover the best fermentation device, which can be used to regulate the composting factors, and find out the best nitrogen source for sawdust and rice husk composting, and microbial inoculum type and recruitment. The fllowing are the results of this study:(1) There is no correlation between the room temperatureand the temperature changes in phases of wanning, high-temperature and cooling in the process of composting. The room temperature 15℃was the start point for microbial to begin decomposting. The appropriate temperature of organic waste composting as media is 45℃~55℃.(2) Physical and chemical properties are improved, specifically as follows: increase in bulk density, enlarging of general porosity and capillary porosity, augment in CEC and the water-air ratio. For the original poor water-holding performance, it’s difficult for seedlings to maintain water during growing, but it’s improved greatly after decomposition.(3) There was a decline in total carbon and C/N value while the total nitrogen of the same media content goes through a climbing-up trend. Most of organic matter is decomposed and T value of better composting treatments falls down to below 0.5; Cellulose decomposition rate is more than 30%, soluble sugar decomposition rate is over 50%. (4) When studied on microbial inoculum, we discovered that the treatment of adding enzyme bacteria could warm up to the highest temperature more quickly and adding EM bacteria seemed to work slower, the highest temperature of which was higher than that in treatments of adding enzyme bacteria and fermentation bacteria. The best dose of adding microbial inoculum in the decomposition of organic waste is 1% of the total. The overall evaluation index, showed that the discrepancy of influence on composting and growing seedlings by using different types of microbial inoculum was not significant, and composting process can be accelerated as long as the sufficient bacterium.(5) The organic nitrogen sources like chicken manure are more beneficial to rice husk and sawdusk composting than inorganic material, since the added chicken manure could make media speed up fermentation at a higher temperature. (NH42SO4 worked best among all kinds of inorganic nitrogen sources tried. Adding SSP in the amount of 1% of the total could improve the seedlings growing.(6) The treatment with the combination of sawdusk and rice husk worked better than the treatment of single ingredient during the composting. From the cultivation experiment in nursery after composting, treatments of T5 and T2 had the best response of seedling quality, of which the proportion of sawdusk and rice husk are 8:2 and 2:8 respectively. From this, we can draw a clear conclusion that the combination of sawdusk and rice husk after conmposting can be used media as high quality organic and put into nursery of production.

【关键词】 有机废弃物有机基质木屑稻壳腐熟
【Key words】 Organic wasteOrganic mediaSawdustRice huskComposting

