

Comparison on Photosynthesis of Larix Kaempferi Carr., L. Olgensis Herry. and Their Hybrids

【作者】 许晨璐

【导师】 孙晓梅;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi Carr.)、长白落叶松(L. olgensis Herry.)、日本落叶松×长白落叶松(Larix kaempferi×L. olgensis)杂种、长白落叶松×日本落叶松(Larix olgensis×L. kaempferi)杂种为研究对象,对落叶松高光效育种进行了探索研究,具体包括:为研究日本落叶松、长白落叶松、日本落叶松×长白落叶松杂种、长白落叶松×日本落叶松杂种光合日变化规律及落叶松光合限制因素,于2007年8月和2008年8月底至9月初对落叶松幼树进行光合生理指标日变化的测定,试验在辽宁清原大孤家林场的落叶松无性系评比林中进行。结果表明:落叶松Pn日变化曲线为双峰型(或假单峰型),上午8:00~9:00Pn达到峰值,14:00左右降到低谷,下午或在15:00有一小高峰或没有;10:00之前是其吸收CO2的最佳时段。Pn日均值排序为:长×日杂种>日×长杂种>长白落叶松>日本落叶松。蒸腾速率日变化为双峰曲线,早上7:00的蒸腾速率为一天中最低的,最大值出现在9:00~10:00左右,11:00略有下降之后马上又形成另一个高峰;蒸腾速率日均值的排序为长白落叶松>长×日杂种>日×长杂种>日本落叶松。水分利用效率(WUE)为单峰曲线或“L”型曲线,9:00之前的WUE明显高于其他时段,且杂种高于纯种,9:00之后种间差别很小。气孔导度日变化为单峰曲线,9:00达到峰值,11:00之后保持在一个较恒定的值。在高温、强光环境下,落叶松Pn日变化具有严重的光合“午休”现象,光合改良潜力较大。中午光合量子效率的降低不是光合“午休”的主要原因,根据Pn、气孔限制值、胞间CO2浓度的变化趋势,认为落叶松光合“午休”主要受气孔因素限制。以实生采穗园中的采穗母株为研究对象,对日本落叶松与日×长杂种、长白落叶松与长×日杂种、日×长杂种与长×日杂种间进行了光响应曲线和CO2响应曲线的对比测定,以比较它们光合效率的高低。结果表明,日本落叶松与日×长杂种相比,最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、表观量子效率、暗呼吸速率、光合能力、CO2饱和点、CO2补偿点都表现出优势,但羧化效率、光呼吸速率没有差别。长白落叶松与长×日杂种相比,表观量子效率、CO2补偿点表现出优势,暗呼吸速率表现出劣势,而羧化效率、光呼吸速率、光补偿点没有差别。日×长杂种与长×日杂种相比,羧化效率、光呼吸速率、CO2补偿点稍稍表现出劣势,而表观量子效率、暗呼吸速率、光补偿点没有差别。以实生采穗园中的采穗母株为研究材料,对3个不同母本与同一多父本混合花粉杂交组合家系及3个同一母本与不同单一父本杂交组合家系进行了光响应曲线及CO2响应曲线的测定,以分析父母本对日×长杂种光合性状的影响。结果表明,不同母本与同一多父本混合花粉杂交组合间的表观量子效率、暗呼吸速率、羧化效率存在显著差异,光补偿点、CO2补偿点存在极显著差异,其他指标差异不显著,表现出较强的母本效应;同母本与不同父本杂种组合间只有暗呼吸速率差异达到极显著水平,其他指标差异不显著,表现出较弱的父本效应。在高光效亲本选择时,应特别重视母本选择。为研究落叶松光合与生长量的关系,对日本落叶松、长白落叶松、日×长杂种、长×日杂种幼树的树高、净光合速率(Pn)日均值、暗呼吸速率、物候期、形态性状进行了测定。研究表明,虽然日本落叶松的Pn日均值最低,但是它有最长的生长期和较大的全株总叶面积及较低的暗呼吸速率,这些优势帮助其拥有较高的生长量;长4C虽然暗呼吸速率最低,但Pn日均值、生长期、全株叶面积均最小,故生长表现最差。在不考虑物候期、形态性状等差异的情况下,Pn日均值并不能合理解释生长量差异。在进行高光效亲本或高光效子代选择时,必须参考形态、物候指标及生长表现。

【Abstract】 Taking Larix kaempferi Carr., Larix olgensis Herry., Larix kaempferi×L. olgensis and Larix olgensis×L.kaempferi as study object, the thesis gived exploration research of breeding for high photosynthetic efficiency of larch. It consisted of the following parts:In order to investigate the differences on photosynthesis physiologic characteristics of young Larix kaempferi, L.olgensis, L.kaempferi×L.olgensis and L.olgensis×L.kaempferi, Characteristics of photosynthetic rate and other physiological indexes were measured on 5 days in larch comparing and assessing forest at Dagujia,Qingyuan,Liaoning province. The results were as follows: the diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of Larch showed double-peak curves, daily highest Pn appeared between 8:00~9:00, daily lowest Pn appeared at 14:00, if there was secondary peak, it appeared at 15:00. CO2 absorption presented maximum at 7:00-10:00. The sequence of daily mean values of Pn was L.olgensis×L.kaempferi>L.kaempferi×L. olgensis>L.olgensis>L.kaempferi. The diurnal changes of transpiration (Tr) rate showed double-peak curves, the lowest value appeared at 7:00 and the highest value appeared between 9:00~10:00. The secondary peak appeared after lower point at 11:00. The sequence of daily mean values of Tr was L.olgensis > L.olgensis×L.kaempferi >L.kaempferi×L.olgensis>L.kaempferi. The diurnal changes of water use efficiency (WUE) showed single-peak curve or L pattern, hybrids had high WUE than L. kaempferi and L. olgensis before 9:00 but had no differences after 9:00. The diurnal changes of stomatal conductance showed single-peak curve. Larch had obvious phenomena in midday depression of photosynthesis. The decline in apparent quantum yield was not the main reason for the decline of net photosynthetic rate. We concluded that stomatal limitation is the dominant cause of the midday depression of photosynthesis according the change tendency of Pn, stomatal limiting value, intercellular CO2 concentration.In order to compare the photosynthetic efficiency of L.kaempferi, L. olgensis, L.kaempferi×L.olgensis and L. olgensis×L. kaempferi, light response curse and CO2 response curse were measured. The results were as follows: Compared with L.kaempferi×L.olgensis, the maximum net photosynthetic rate, light saturation point , light compensation point (LCP), apparent quantum yield (AQY), dark respiration rate (Rd), photosynthetic capacity,CO2 saturation point and CO2 compensation point (Γ) of L.kaempferi was superior, but the carboxylation efficiency (CE), photorespiration rate (Rp) of two showed no differences. Compared with L.olgensis×L.kaempferi, the AQY,Γof L.olgensis was superior but Rd of L. olgensis was inferior, and CE, Rp, LCP of the two showed no differences. Compared with L.kaempferi×L.olgensis, CE, Rp,Γof L.kaempferi×L. olgensis was a litter superior, but AQY, Rd, LCP of the two showed no differences.In order to make sure maternal and paternal effects on photosynthetic characters of L. kaempferi×L.olgensis hybrids, light response curse and CO2 response curse of 6 L. kaempferi×L.olgensis families, including poly-crossed and full-sib families, and 3 corresponding open-pollinated female parent families were analyzed. Result indicated that there were significant differences in AQY, Rd, CE, and very significant differences in LCP,Γamong poly-crossed families, while only Rd exerted very significant differences among full-sib hybrid families who shared the same mother. Maternal effect played a more important role than paternal effect.In order to study the relationship between photosynthetic characteristics and growth of Larch, height growth, daily mean values of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), phenophase, morphological traits, dark respiration rate of young L. kaempferi , L. olgensis , L. kaempferi×L. olgensis and L. olgensis×L. kaempferi were measured. Results showed that although the daily mean of Pn of L.kaempferi 85 was the lowest, the advantage of phenophase, morphological traits and dark respiration rate helped it had the fasest growth. Although Rd of L. olgensis 4C was the lowest, the disadvantage of phenophase, morphological traits and the daily mean of Pn helped it had the slowest growth. The daily mean values of Pn were not valuable to predict growth. It was conclueded that selecting parents with high photosynthetic efficiency should take into account of growth performance.


