

Effects of Trehalose on Performance and Physicochemical Properties in AA Broilers

【作者】 黄俊

【导师】 赵国琦; 丁宏标;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究包括两个部分:一、研究海藻糖在肉鸡体内代谢情况;二、在肉鸡日粮中添加海藻糖,研究海藻糖对肉鸡消化性能、理化指标、生长性能、屠宰性能、及肉品质的影响。探索海藻糖应用效果,为其广泛应用于畜牧业生产以及畜产品加工业提供科学依据。试验一海藻糖在肉鸡体内代谢研究(目的)本试验通过灌喂方法研究海藻糖在肉鸡体内吸收情况。(方法)研究选用21日龄体重相近的AA公鸡12只,随机分成4组,每组3只。禁食24 h后,第1组灌喂5 mL蒸馏水后心脏采血,第2、3、4组分别灌喂0.01 g/mL的海藻糖溶液5 mL。第2组在灌喂0.5 h后心脏采血;第3组在灌喂1 h后心脏采血;第4组在灌喂2 h后心脏采血。采得血液分离血清,除蛋白后用离子色谱检测血清中海藻糖含量。(结果)试验结果表明:灌喂海藻糖组肉鸡血清中均能测到海藻糖,且随灌喂后时间延长海藻糖含量逐渐下降,灌喂0.5 h、1 h、2 h后海藻糖含量分别为20.42 mg/ Kg,15.67 mg/ Kg和12.93 mg/ Kg。(结论)结果提示:海藻糖能被肉鸡直接吸收进入血液中。试验二海藻糖对肉鸡消化性能和理化指标的影响(目的)本试验通过在肉鸡日粮中添加海藻糖,研究海藻糖对肉鸡消化性能和理化指标的影响。(方法)试验选用1日龄体重相近的AA公仔鸡480只,随机分成4组,每组3个重复。第1组为对照组饲喂基础日粮,其余3组为处理组,分别在基础日粮中添加0.1%、0.3%、0.5%的海藻糖。测定消化性能指标和生化指标。(结果)试验结果表明:日粮添加海藻糖能增加消化道的长度和重量,且0.1%组与对照组差异显著(P<0.05);各处理组淀粉酶活性略低于对照组,胰蛋白酶活性略高于对照组,但均无显著差异(P>0.05);日粮添加海藻能显著降低回肠、盲肠中大肠杆菌数量(P<0.05),能显著增加乳酸杆菌的数量(P<0.05);各处理组血清中白蛋白含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),血磷含量显著低于对照组(P>0.05);日粮添加海藻糖对GSH-PX活性无显著影响(P>0.05),但能显著降低肝脏中MDA的含量(P<0.05)。(结论)结果提示:日粮中添加海藻糖能显著提高肉鸡消化性能,优化肉鸡肠道微生物区系,并能降低体内脂质过氧化产物丙二醛的含量;各处理组中0.1%组效果最佳。试验三海藻糖对肉鸡生产性能的影响(目的)本试验通过在肉鸡日粮中添加海藻糖,研究海藻糖对肉鸡生长性能、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响。(方法)试验选用1日龄体重相近的AA公仔鸡480只,随机分成4组,每组3个重复。第1组为对照组饲喂基础日粮,其余3组为处理组,分别在基础日粮中添加0.1%、0.3%、0.5%的海藻糖。测定生长性能、屠宰性能及肉品质指标。(结果)试验结果表明:各处理组均能促进肉鸡体重增加,0.1%组、0.3%组和0.5%组体重分别比对照组提高9.42%、4.03%和7.01%,差异显著(P<0.05);与对照组相比,各处理组均能增加日增重并显著降低料肉比(P<0.05),且0.1%组效果最佳;死淘率各处理组显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。日粮中添加海藻糖能显著提高肉鸡半净膛率、全净膛率和胸肌率(P<0.05);各处理组均能提高胸腺指数和脾脏指数,且0.1%组与对照组差异显著;此外,添加海藻糖能显著提高胸肌的嫩度、系水力及肌肉中蛋白含量(P<0.05)。(结论)结果提示:日粮中添加海藻糖能显著促进肉鸡生长,增加日增重,提高肉鸡屠宰性能,降低料肉比、死淘率,并能改善肉品质及提高肌肉中蛋白含量。综上所述,饲料基础日粮中添加海藻糖能显著提高肉鸡的消化性能,优化肠道微生物组成,提高肉鸡的生产性能,改善肉品质,且添加量为0.1%效果最优。

【Abstract】 The studies were designed to explore the effects of trehalose on application and to provide basic materials for trehalose application in livestock production and animal products processing industry. The present research included two parts including the absorption mechanism of trehalose in AA broilers (part one) and the effects of trehalose supplemented in diets on the digestion performance, physicochemical properties, growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality(part two) .Our studies included three experiments presented as follows:In experiment 1 we studied the absorption mechanism of trehalose in AA broilers. The results showed that trehalose can be detected and the concentrations were declined at different level according to the time (0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h) after feeding trehalose, 20.42 mg/ Kg, 15.67 mg/ Kg and 12.93 mg/ Kg were measured respectively in trehalose groups. So trehalose can be directly absorbed into the blood in AA broilers.In experiment 2 we studied the effects of trehalose supplemented in diets with the levels of 0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5% on digestion performance and chemical properties in AA broilers. The results showed as follows: the length and weight of intestine were increased in trial groups. The length and weight in the group fed with 0.1% trehalose were higher (P<0.05) than in control group; Amylase activity was slightly decreased in trial groups, while the protease activity was not significantly higher (P>0.05) than in control group. In trial groups, the counts of coliform bacteria were significantly decreased in the ileum and caeca (P<0.05), and the counts of lactobacillus were significantly increased (P<0.05); the levels of serum albumin was significantly increased in trial groups (P<0.05), and the contents of phosphorus in the serum was significantly lower (P<0.05) than in the control group; The contents of MDA in liver were significantly decreased (P<0.05) compared with the control group without affecting the activity of GSH-PX. The study revealed that adding trehalos in diets can improve the digestion performance significantly, optimize the composition of intestinal microbes and decrease the MDA contents, the group with 0.1% trehalose was the best.In experiment 3 we studied the effects of trehalose supplemented in diets with the levels of 0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5% on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality. The results showed as follows: compared with the control group, the weight of AA broilers were increased in groups with 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5%, the performance was improved significantly by 9.42%、4.03% and 7.01% respectively; daily gain was increased and feed/gain was decreased significantly (P<0.05) in trehalose groups, the group with 0.1% trehalose was the best; compared with the control group, death ratio was decreased significantly (P<0.05) in trial groups. The semi-eviscerated percentage, eviscerated percentage and chest muscle rate significantly were increased (P<0.05); In trial groups, the thymus, spleen and bursa indices were increased, the group with 0.1% trehalose had the significant effect compared with the control group (P<0.05); The chest tendernesses and the water holding capacities were improved significantly (P<0.05), and protein in muscle was increased significantly (P<0.05). Adding trehalos in diets can promote the growth, improve the daily gain and decline the death ratio. And also can improve the carcass characteristics and meat quality, increase the protein in muscle. In conclusion, adding trehalose in diets can improve the AA broilers’digestion performance significantly, optimize the composition of intestinal microbes, so can improve performance and improve meat quality, and adding 0.1% trehalose is the best.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

