

【作者】 生步兵

【导师】 陈耀;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 供应链联盟作为一种新型的企业组织形式,已成为现代企业培育和保持竞争优势的重要途径。但在联盟实践中,供应链联盟的随意性和联盟解体现象广泛存在。因而,探讨供应链联盟关系稳定性的影响因素,研究关系稳定性对联盟绩效的影响等关键问题对提高供应链联盟的成功率,增加联盟绩效具有重要的理论和现实指导意义。本文基于社会交换理论和目标互依理论,分析了供应链联盟关系稳定性的影响因素,这些影响因素包括:关系资本、关系投入意识、供应者的信任和文化兼容性。进而,本文构建了一个供应链联盟关系资本、关系投入意识、供应者的信任、文化兼容性对关系稳定性的影响以及关系稳定性对联盟绩效影响的概念模型,通过实证研究对概念模型进行了检验。研究结果表明:关系资本、供应者的信任与关系稳定性呈正效应;关系投入意识、文化兼容性与关系稳定性不呈正效应;关系稳定性与联盟绩效呈正效应。其中,在关系投入意识与关系稳定性的研究分析中发现,当联盟一方的关系投入意识越强时,供应链联盟的关系稳定性越弱;在文化兼容性与关系稳定性的研究分析中发现,联盟企业间的文化兼容性与关系稳定性不存在直接的因果关系。根据研究的结果,企业可以从国内的实际情况出发,发现企业在供应链联盟中不利于企业间稳定合作的因素,通过建立良好的关系资本、减少联盟企业间的机会主义、建立高效的信任机制和构建有效的冲突协调机制等方法增强供应链联盟的稳定性,提高联盟绩效,提升供应链的竞争力。

【Abstract】 Supply chain alliances, as an innovation of organizational relationship, has been playing a vital role in modern corporations to strengthen competitive advantages. But in practice , the phenomenon of instability of supply chain alliances is widespread. So it is obviously of great significance to do researchs on the influence factor of relational stability and the effect of relational stability on alliance performance.it is an essential problem for corporations to solve by using the new competitive of supply chain alliances, raising the rate of success, enhancing alliance performance.This research analyses the factors affecting relational stability of supply chain alliances, based on the social theory .we believe that the relational capital, relational commitment, trust of supplier and cultural compatibility have something to do with alliance performance. Then this research construct a concept model about the effect of relational capital, relational commitment, trust of supplier, cultural compatibility on relational stability and that of relational stability on alliance performance.Through empirical research we prove that relational capital and trust of supplier have a positive effect on relational stability while relational commitment as well as cultural compatibility has a negative effect on relational stability and relational stability has a positive effect on alliance performance. Especially, it is found that the more relational commitment the less relational stability and there are non-existent direct relationships between cultural compatibility and relational stability.According to the research, firms can find out the negative factors affecting inter-organizational stability and through building relational capital, efficient mechanism of solving conflicts, high trust and reducing opportunism, can they increase alliance’s stability, enhance alliance performance and strengthen competence of supply chain alliances.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

