

Digestion of Rice and Wheat Straws by Earthworms and Use Values of Earthworm Casts

【作者】 陈峰

【导师】 钱晓晴;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作物秸秆是农业有机固体废弃物,更是可以综合利用的重要资源。秸秆可用作肥料、饲料、燃料及工业生产的原材料。随着我国农业生产的快速发展和农村能源结构的变化,作物秸秆大量剩余问题日益突出。许多地区农民往往就地焚烧或随意堆积,不但浪费资源,而且造成大气污染、土壤退化、甚至引发交通事故等,对人畜健康和生态环境造成不良影响。使这些废弃物经过无害化处理,成为优质有机肥,则不仅减轻环境污染,而且极有利于农业的可持续发展。蚯蚓能消解农业废弃物,使之转化为蚓粪并收获大量蚯蚓。蚓粪是优质有机肥,适合作各种农作物的肥料。本试验利用蚯蚓对小麦、水稻秸秆进行消解。蚯蚓消解小麦秸秆的试验设4个处理:(1)接种4kg蚯蚓,秸秆堆中间夹有污泥层;(2)接种2kg蚯蚓,中间夹有污泥层;(3)接种4kg蚯蚓,中间没有污泥层;(4)接种2kg蚯蚓,中间没有污泥层;(5)空白,不加蚯蚓,没有污泥层。蚯蚓消解水稻秸秆的试验设4个处理:(1)接种6kg蚯蚓,秸秆为整齐的状态;(2)接种4kg蚯蚓,秸秆为打碎的状态;(3)接种4kg蚯蚓,秸秆为整齐的状态;(4)接种2kg蚯蚓,秸秆为整齐的状态;(5)空白,不加蚯蚓。消解60天后测定处理后秸秆与蚯蚓粪混合物的全N、P、K含量;测定处理后产出蚯蚓粪的全N、P、K含量与有机质含量;测定处理完后蚯蚓数量、未腐烂秸秆的数量以及蚯蚓粪的数量。蚯蚓粪在蔬菜上的应用采用盆栽试验,试验共设5个处理。(1) 1kg土;(2) 0.25kg蚯蚓粪+0.75kg土;(3) 0.5kg蚯蚓粪+0.5kg土;(4) 0.75kg蚯蚓粪+0.25kg土;(5) 1kg蚯蚓粪。到苗龄20天时统一调查其幼苗的株高、茎粗、茎高,青菜和苋菜收获期的株高、茎粗、茎高、青菜可溶性糖的含量、青菜和苋菜可溶性固形物的含量、青菜、苋菜NO3-的含量。所得出的主要结论如下:(1)经过一段时间的堆放,稻麦秸秆中的全N、P、K含量都会减少。(2)蚯蚓消解后残留小麦秸秆与蚯蚓粪混合物全N含量有一定程度的增加效果。在相同蚯蚓投入量的条件下,有污泥层处理的混合物全N含量高于没有污泥层处理的。在有无污泥相同处理下,蚯蚓投入量少的处理混合物的全N、P含量高于蚯蚓投入量多的处理。经过蚯蚓活动后,混合物全P含量普遍上升。在相同蚯蚓投入量的处理下,有污泥层处理的混合物的全P含量明显高于没有污泥层的。蚯蚓消解后残留水稻秸秆与蚯蚓粪混合物全P含量有一定程度的增加效果。(3)蚯蚓消解小麦秸秆后产生的蚯蚓粪全N、P含量,有污泥层的处理比没有污泥层的处理要高。而蚯蚓粪全K含量,有污泥层的处理比没有污泥层的处理要低。(4)有机质含量的大小与有无污泥层有很大的关系,有污泥层处理其有机质含量明显大于没有污泥层的处理。(5)施用适量比例的蚯蚓粪有利于青菜和苋菜的出苗与幼苗生长。在粪土比为1:1时,青菜和苋菜的出苗率最高。青菜在幼苗期的株高、茎高以及根茎粗都随着粪土比的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,在粪土比为1:1时,达到最高值。青菜苋菜在成熟期的株高、茎高以及茎粗都随着粪土比的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。在粪土比为1:1时,达到最高值。(6)青菜中可溶性糖的含量在粪土比为3:1时达到最高。青菜和苋菜中可溶性固形物的含量随着蚯蚓粪投入比例的增加,呈先增加后减少的趋势,在粪土比为1:1时,其含量最高。青菜和苋菜中硝态氮含量都随着蚯蚓粪投入比例的增加,呈上升的趋势。

【Abstract】 Crop stalks are not only agronomic organic solid wastes, but also important resources for comprehensive utilization, such as organic fertilizers, feedstuff, fuel and industrial materials. With the rapid development of Chinese agriculture and the great change of rural energy structures, the excess crop stalks is becoming a serious problem. Safe treatments of crop stalks is helpful to the decrease of environmental pollution and to the agricultural sustainable development.The earthworms can convert agronomic organic solid wastes to casts, which is good organic fertilizers for various crops.The earthworms were used in this experiment to decompose the straws of wheat and rice. For wheat straws five treatments were carried out: 1) straw heap was inoculated with 4kg earthworms and intermingled with sludge layer; 2) inoculated with 2kg earthworms and also intermingled with sludge layer; 3) inoculated with 4kg earthworms and no sludge layer existed; 4) inoculated with 2kg earthworms and no sludge layer existed; 5) inoculated with no earthworms and no sludge layer existed (as the control).The experimental treatments of rice straws included: 1) straw heap was inoculated with 6kg earthworms and straw maintained integrated; 2) inoculated with 6kg earthworms and straw were pulverized; 3) inoculated with 4kg earthworms and straw maintained integrated; 4) inoculated with 2kg earthworms and straw maintained integrated; 5) inoculated with no earthworms (as the control). After 60 days of decomposition, amount of earthworms, casts and unrotten straws were measured, and total N, P, K in earthworm casts and mixture of straw and earthworm casts, organic material content in casts were also analyzed.Pot experiments were used to study the effects of earthworm casts on the vegetable growth. Five treatments were designed: 1) 0 kg casts + 1 kg soil and no casts; 2) 0.25 kg casts + 0.75 kg soil; 3) 0.5 kg casts + 0.5 kg soil; 4) 0.75 kg casts + 0.25 kg soil; 5)1 kg casts + 0 kg soil. 20 day old seedlings were sampled to measure plant height, stem diameter, stem height, soluble sugar content in green vegetable, contents of soluble solid and nitrate in green vegetable and amaranth. The results indicated that:(1) Total N, P, K content in straws decreased with the compost treatment;(2) Total N, P content in the mixture of residual wheat straw and earthworm casts increased with the digestion of earthworms. With the same amount of earthworm inoculation, total N, P content in the mixture with sludge layer was higher than that without sludge layer. Total N, P content in the mixture with less earthworms was higher than that with more earthworms.(3) Earthworm casts with wheat straw decomposition has higher total N, P content when sludge layer existed, compared with the treatment of no sludge layer. Total K contend just exhibited the contrary tendency.(4) Compared with the treatment of no sludge layer, organic materials content was higher when sludge layer existed.(5) Appropriate earthworm casts were helpful to the growth of green vegetable and amaranth. When the ration of casts and soil was 1:1, the germination rate reached highest. Plant height, stem height and stem diameter of two vegetables increased first and then decreased with the increase of cast/soil ratio, and reached the highest at 1:1. The tendency not only existed in the seedling stage, but also in the harvest stage.(6) Soluble sugar content in green vegetables reaches highest when cast/soil ratio was 3:1. Soluble solid content in two experimental vegetables increased first and then decreased with the increase of cast/soil ratio, and reached highest at 1:1. Nitrate content in two vegetables increased with the increase of cast/soil ratio.

【关键词】 秸秆蚯蚓青菜苋菜
【Key words】 Straw stalkearthwormgreen vegetablesamaranth
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】S899.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】452

