

Construction of System of Declaration of Official Property in China

【作者】 李孟义

【导师】 汪振江;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 公务员腐败历来都是世界各国政府不得不面对的头疼问题,为了解决这一难题每个国家都在进行不同的努力和尝试。我国从建国之初就非常注意干部管理,严厉打击贪污腐败,并取得了不错的效果。可是自改革开放以来,随着经济体制由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变,各种腐败现象也愈演愈烈。特别是有些公务员在物质利益的驱使下一步步走向贪污腐化,这不仅严重破坏了我国的经济和社会秩序,而且在人民群众中也造成了极坏的影响,不利于我国社会主义和谐社会的构建。因此,我们应该从更深的层面来看待公务员腐败问题,找出造成腐败的主客观原因,从源头上遏制腐败。公务员财产申报制度作为一种有效预防公务员腐败的监督制度,已经在世界很多国家得到了成功的验证。这一制度使公务员的财产处于透明状态,民众可以根据自己的需要随时核查,国家可以据此掌握公务员的财产情况对其进行有效监督。建立公务员财产申报制度不仅是建设法治国家的需要,而且也是我国反腐倡廉工作的需要。我国虽然也有《关于党政机关县处级以上领导干部收入申报的规定》,但从总体上来说,这一《规定》在具体内容的规定上还是趋于简单化,存在着很多方面的缺陷和问题,再加上由于立法位阶偏低带来的缺乏权威性,使其不能充分发挥效用。因此,研究中国目前建立公务员财产申报制度的理论和现实背景,参照世界各国成功的经验,分析我国公务员财产申报制度的现状和问题,有助于提出有针对性的对策建议。本文主要分了五部分,绪论部分简单介绍了选题背景,分析了新形势下公务员贪污腐败的新变化,然后提出选题的意义;第二部分介绍了公务员财产申报制度的来源,构成要素以及与公务员财产申报制度相关的其他理论;第三部分研究分析了我国现行公务员财产申报制度存在的弊端和缺陷;第四部分和第五部分通过介绍国外的成功经验,提出我国建立公务员财产申报制度的必要性、可行性及应该如何构建。

【Abstract】 Official corruption is always the headachy problem of every government in the world, and every government has been trying its best in different ways and means to solve this problem. Chinese government lays great emphasis on the management of cadres with strict punishment on the corruption and defalcation from its establishment and achieve great success. Corruption not only damages our economy and social order, but also lays bad influence to people, and affect our construction of harmonious society. So we should see corruption in deeper sight to find reasons of corruption’s emergence, and solve this problem thoroughly.System of declaration of official property is a good measurement of supervision on corruption, which has been successfully carried out by many countries in the world. This system disclose official property to people and the government who need to check. The establishment of system of declaration of official property meets the needs of building of Law-ruled country. Only "prevention first" method on anti-corruption is a reasonable way to ensure the official’s legal right, for government and its officials to earn good public praise, to enhance the healthy development of market economy and to construct the harmonious society.Although there is" About the party and government organs of leading cadres at and above county level to declare the provisions of income" in China, this regulation is too simple in its material operation and with a lot of problems. What’s worse, this regulation is not authorized enough to exert its function. So studying on the theoretical and practical background of building system of declaration of official property in China, referring to others’ successful experience, analyzing practical problems of system of declaration of official property in China is helpful to propose pertinence suggestions on anti-corruption.This thesis mainly consist five parts. The exordium makes a brief introduction of the reason why I choose this topic, analyzing the disadvantages of system of declaration of official property, and the meanings of the topic. The second part states the origin, elements and other contents of system of declaration of official property. The third part thoroughly analyze the disadvantages of system of declaration of official property in China. The forth part states the necessity, feasibility and ways of operation of establishment of system of declaration of official property after introducing foreign experience. The fifth part lays emphasis on the achievements of constructing system of declaration of official property in the new political environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

