

Study on International Marketing Strategic Based on Tibet of Origin Image for QZZY

【作者】 周恩宇

【导师】 董雅丽; 肖剑琴;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 奇正藏药是第一家通过中国GMP认证的藏药企业,国内年销售额达4个多亿,在国内藏药领域具有很强的品牌知名度,但由于进入国际市场较晚,在海外缺乏知名度,在国际市场销售中一直徘徊不前,年销售额仅有500多万元。随着2006年青藏铁路的贯通,国际上形成了西藏旅游热,越来越多的海外顾客开始关注西藏、了解西藏。藏药也倍受海外市场的关注,但在进入国际市场时,其复杂的成分以及重金属含量超标等传统藏药普遍存在的问题均制约了藏药在美国、加拿大、欧盟等发达国家的销售。如何发挥藏药原有的药理优势及其独特的原产地形象优势,增加产品的吸引力,使其顺利进入国际市场,扩大其国际市场销售,已成为奇正藏药乃至藏药企业目前迫切需要解决的问题。本文将原产地形象理论引入到企业国际营销实践中,在对原产地形象及其与国际营销的关系介绍的基础上,通过对奇正藏药原产地形象及国际营销现状的分析,结合顾客对天然植物药的良好印象和奇正藏药独特的资源与地理优势,提出了奇正藏药西藏原产地形象的概念,并对基于西藏自然与文化的奇正藏药原产地形象进行了重新定位,指出通过正确的原产地形象定位,就可以更好地发挥奇正藏药自身的资源优势和文化优势,进而形成良好的原产地效应,并在此基础上制定了奇正藏药相应的国际市场营销战略与策略,以期对奇正藏药国际市场销售的提升起到实际的指导作用,同时对国内藏药企业走向国际市场提供现实的参考。

【Abstract】 Having been the first Tibetan medicine enterprise adopted by the Chinese GMP certification, Cheezheng Tibetan Medicine has strong brand awareness in the field of Tibetan medicine in China, its domestic sales is up more than 400 million. However, entering the international market late, Cheezheng is still lack of brand awareness abroad, with annual sales of just over 5 million, its sales in the international market has been stagnant.With the Qinghai-Tibet Railway project finished in 2006, Tibet has became the focus center of tourism in the world, more and more overseas consumers focus their attention on Tibet, thus, Tibetan medicine is also highly concerned by the overseas markets. While for entering the international market, its sale in the United States, Canada, the European Union and other developed countries is still restricted by the problems that traditional Tibetan medicine has, mainly including: the complex composition, excessive heavy metals etc. For all of the Tibetan medicine corporations, including Cheezheng, it has became the main problem need to be solved that how to increase the attractiveness of the product by fully playing the pharmacology advantages and the unique origin image advantages of traditional Tibetan medicine, thus make it a smooth entry into the international market and expand its international market.In the study, I want to introduce the theory of Country of Origin Image to the international marketing strategy after analyzing the relationship of international marketing and country of origin image, and improve the image of Cheezheng which is based on Tibetan natural conditions and Tibetan culture by integrating consumers’ impression on natural botanical medicine with the unique geographic and resources advantages of Tibet after analyzing the Cheezheng situations on international marketing and country of origin image. Accordingly, with the image of company being improved and the new concept of "Tibetan origin" being raised, the resources and culture advantages of Cheezheng would be fully exerted. In a word, the perfect combination of "Tibetan Origin" and international marketing strategy would be expected to be useful in improving the international sale of Cheezheng, also, it could be taken for reference by other Tibetan medicine companies.

【关键词】 西藏藏药国际营销原产地形象
【Key words】 TibetTibetan MedicineInternational MarketingTibet Origin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.72
  • 【下载频次】348

