

The Blog Copyright Infringement and Protection

【作者】 张忠利

【导师】 刘斌斌;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 博客是继BBS、ICQ、MSN之后第四种网络交流方式,以每秒增加三个的强劲发展势头成为互联网上最热门的网络词语。博客“自由表达、开放宽容、个性张扬”的精神备受广大网友的推崇和赞誉,被广大网友称为理想的“精神家园”。博客亦在网络和实际生活中发挥了重要作用,它可以表达自我、宣泄情感、交流思想、讨论时事、研究学习等等,在一定程度上扩充了网络自由度,增进了人们之间的沟通与联系,进一步激发了网络的创造力和生产力。但与此同时,博客作品的数字化、网络化、交互性的特点对传统著作权的时间性、地域性和专有性提出了挑战,并带来了一定的冲击。博客著作权侵权现象频繁发生,博客作者的合法权益得不到有效保护。在这种背景下,本文对博客和博客著作权的属性、博客著作权侵权的权利义务体系进行了分析和探讨,在努力平衡博客作者个人利益和社会公众利益的基础上,对博客著作权的保护提出一些自己的建议和思考。全文用案例分析、比较分析等方法对博客著作权侵权的问题进行了考察分析,并提出博客著作权保护的一些途径。全文分为三个部分:第一部分:主要阐述了博客的概念、特征以及博客著作权的内含和基本要素,进一步明晰了博客著作权的体系,并对博客著作权的属性作了简要的说明。第二部分:在分析和讨论秦涛案的基础上,指出了目前博客著作权保护方面存在的问题,并对博客著作权侵权构成要件、博客著作权合理使用制度以及侵权赔偿额度问题进行了分析和研究,在此基础上,对博客著作权的合理使用以及侵权赔偿额度给出了自己的建议。第三部分:阐释了博客著作权的保护问题。在前文考察分析的基础上,结合国内背景、网络环境、立法状况等总结了博客著作权保护的五种主要途径,涉及意识、技术、制度以及立法等多个领域,对现有博客著作权保护体系的改进提供了参考意见,希望能对博客著作权保护的完善有所帮助,对网络著作权的发展贡献自己的力量。

【Abstract】 The blog is after BBS, ICQ, the MSN fourth network exchange way, increases three blogs strong development momentum by each second to become the present Internet most popular network words and expressions. The blog "the free expression, the opening are tolerant, the individuality makes widely known" the spirit enjoys the general net friend’s esteem and the praise, is called "the spiritual home" ideally by the general net friends. The blog also has played the vital role in the network and the practical life, it may the express thoughts, the discussion current event, the research study, promote exchange and so on, this further liberated the network creativity and the productive forces to a certain extent.What but does not allow to neglect, has the threshold to be low, zero cost, zero technology, the propagation velocity quick and so on characteristic blogs brought not the small impact for the network work’s copyright, the blog copyright infringement frequent occurrence, the blog author copyright rights and interests often could not obtain the effective protection. Under this situation, this article to the blog and the blog copyright’s attribute, the blog copyright infringement’s rights and obligations system has carried on the analysis and the discussion,is diligently balanced the blog author personal interest and in the social public benefit foundation, puts forward some own proposal and the ponder to the blog copyright protection.The full text with methods and so on case analysis, comparative analysis has carried on the inspection analysis to the blog copyright infringement’s question, and will propose from now on blog copyright protection some ways. The full text divides into three parts:PartⅠ: Mainly elaborated anything is the blog, the blog nature and the characteristic as well as the blog copyright content and the base element, further defined blog copyright’s right system, and has given brief showing to the blog copyright’s attribute.PartⅡ: In analyzes and discusses in Qin Tao cases the foundation, has discussed the blog copyright existence question. To the blog copyright infringement constitution important document, the blog copyright reasonable use system as well as the right infringement compensation specified amount question has carried on the analysis and the research, has given own suggestion to the blog copyright’s reasonable use as well as the right infringement compensation specified amount.PartⅢ: Has explained the blog copyright protection question. In the preamble inspection analysis’s foundation, the union domestic background, the network environment, the legislative condition and so on summarized the blog copyright protection five main ways, involves consciousness, the technology, the system as well as the legislation and so on many domains, has provided the suggestion to the existing blog copyright protection system’s improvement, hoped that can have the help to the blog copyright protection consummation, contributes own strength to the network copyright’s development.

【关键词】 博客博客著作权侵权保护
【Key words】 BlogBlog copyrightInfringementProtection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】D923.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】693

