

A Study of Cultural Discrepancies and Corresponding Coping Tactics in Interpretation

【作者】 杨金晶

【导师】 杨辉;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化进程的加快,各个国家和地区的之间的沟通也日益频繁,大家都意识到交流与沟通对于自身发展和建设的重要意义。口译,作为连接两种不同文化的桥梁,在国际交往中也日益突显它的关键作用。它并不仅仅是简单的传递语言意义的双语活动,而是一种沟通不同文化之间内涵的交际行为。因此,文化差异的因素对口译活动有着很大的影响。除了语言技能和专业技巧之外,一名口译员还应该对源语言和目标语言的文化差异有着深刻的了解。这篇论文从跨文化交际的角度入手,分析了个人主义-集体主义这一基本价值维度在不同国家文化中的反映和体现,以及对人们交际方式的影响。在此基础上,本文结合实例总结归纳了口译中涉及的中西方文化的主要差异,分析了由此造成的理解偏差,并探求了一些解决方法。本文主要分为三大部分。第一部分概括了口译的发展历史,定义以及分类,并着重阐述了同声传译与交替传译的发展过程。第二部分重点从跨文化的角度,概括和总结了口译中涉及的中西方文化差异问题,以及文化因素对口译造成的影响。首先,文中阐述了分别主导中西方文化的集体主义,个人主义这一基本价值维度,分析了它在中西方文化差异中的具体体现。接着介绍了集体主义和个人主义中支配的两种交际方式---低情境文化交际和高情境文化交际,以及它们在口译交流活动中的反映。之后具体分析总结了中西方文化的主要差异,结合实例探讨了口译中的文化问题。最后,第三部分探讨了针对口译中不同情况而应采取的应对策略,并提出了灵活和综合运用各种策略的关键作用。总而言之,口译是一项高于语言之上的文化层面的交流活动。为了保证口译活动的顺利进行,在加强专业知识的基础上,一名合格的口译员还应当培养更高的文化修养,努力提升文化敏感度和跨文化意识,来应对口译中所出现的各种问题。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of globalization, people from different parts of the world begin to realize an increasing need to communicate with each other. As a bridge for communication between different cultures, interpreting has acquired more and more attention internationally. It is not only a simple bilingual process of transferring meaning, but also a communicative activity that exchanges underlying cultural connotations. Therefore, cultural discrepancies can greatly influence interpretation. Apart from language competence and technical skills, an interpreter is required to, above all, have a profound understanding of the SL and TL cultural discrepancies. This paper summarizes and classifies the cultural discrepancies between Chinese and English cultures from an inter-cultural perspective, analyzes the understanding deviation caused by these discrepancies, and explores some interpreting strategies to cope with them.There are mainly three parts in the paper. In the first part, the author discusses the definition, classification of interpretation, and the historical development of interpreting, especially SI and CI. In the second part, the focus is on the general cultural discrepancies between China and western countries as a whole. First, one of the major cultural dimensions, collectivism-individualism, which predominate China and the general English-speaking countries respectively, is introduced. It provides a powerful explanatory framework for understanding cultural similarities and differences in communication across cultures. Then the two corresponding communicational tendencies, high-context and low-context communications, are put forward, which exert great influence on interpreting activity. Later on, with these two pairs of intercultural terms, the author looks into the detailed cultural discrepancies between China and western countries in general. At the end, in the third part, the author further explores into the coping tactics used in various situations in interpreting, and explains the importance of flexible and comprehensive application of these tactics.Generally, interpreting is more a cultural-level communicational activity than a simple bilingual process. In order to achieve successful interpreting, an interpreter should not only strengthen his theoretical basis, but, more importantly, promote his cultural sensitivity and inter-cultural awareness.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1072

