

Legal Definition of Public Interests in Land Expropriation

【作者】 陈珍玲

【导师】 房东;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主张以实体和程序并重来最终解决这一问题,即公共利益要以尊重和保护私权为界定基石,以公众参与、民主协商的途径健全公共利益的表达形成机制,在程序安排上要以程序正义的实现为理念贯穿在整个制度之中。为此,本文主要分为五部分对问题进行了探讨:第一章探究公共利益的渊源及词义,比较分析了各国学者对公共利益内涵的不同看法,进而概括出公共利益应当具有的几个方面的特征:客观性、不确定性、社会共享性、层次复杂性。第二章阐释在土地征收中对公共利益这一概念予以法律界定的必要性,即界定公共利益是法之价值的内在要求;是实行依法行政,建设法治政府的需要;界定公共利益是实现司法审查的需要;界定公共利益是保护耕地,促进土地资源合理利用的需要。并从现实角度提出界定公共利益的可行性,即公共利益自身的一些属性决定对其进行界定可行;国外的界定实践表明对公共利益的界定可行;我国的社会和立法现状决定对公共利益进行法律界定具有一定的可行性。第三章比较美国、韩国、台湾地区对上地征收中公共利益法律界定的情况,并分析他们的异同点及其原因,对我国的制度构建提供了有益的借鉴。第四章分析我国对土地征收中公共利益的法律界定存在的诸多问题,如公共利益的范围界定不明,其立法存在矛盾,其实现缺乏程序保障,指出了解决公共利益界定问题的方向。第五章结合中美两个相似的案例,详细论述了我国土地征收中如何对公共利益进行法律界定这一问题,并提出一些具有可操作性的思维方法,如采用修正过的概括加列举式立法模式,明确公共利益的界定主体以及程序等,希望对法律实践中解决该问题有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The text’s assertion is lays equal stress on the entity and the procedure to resolve this problem. It means that it should respect and protect private property; The public participate, democracy of consultation is the necessary way for building public interest’s expression and formation mechanism, the justice of procedure must be fully realized and fulfilled all the time. The paper includes the following five chapters:Chapter One: through regarding the Chinese and foreign scholar about the public interest complex definition, summarized the public interest characteristic: objectivity, uncertainty, social share, complicated level.Chapter two: Analyze the necessity and feasibility that the law define public interests in the land expropriation. And the necessity mainly analyze from three respects. First, it is inherent requirement for the value of law. Second, prevent power from abusing. Third, utilize the land resource rationally. And the feasibility mainly includes the analysis of the current situation of our country in some attribute analysis of public interests, legislative practical experience of the countries all over the world.Chapter three: Analyze other countries and regions land expropriation law about the definition of public interests, deeply compare, analyze, the ones that came to the relevant systems of our country built up reference function.Chapter four: Analyze the problems in the law of land expropriation in our country. The problems include: first, have not pointed out clearly concrete meaning and range of public interests in constitution and law. Second, the regulation of the legal system has contradictory places. Third, have not stipulated that the procedure and the subject of the definition.Chapter five: Analyze how public interests could be defined in the law of our country in the land expropriation. Sum up the dissertation and bring forward new tasks, so as to better solve the problems, and realize the optimal balance between public interest and private interest. and thus facilitate our social development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】354

