

System Management Design and Performance Optimization Research of Educational Management System

【作者】 蔡炳跃

【导师】 李翠华;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 厦门大学拥有全国最早的高等教育重点学科,在高教管理方面具有系统而深入的管理理念。教务管理系统对于提高教育管理水平是至关重要的!原有的教务管理系统已经无法满足当前教学改革的需要,因此,我们开发了新的教务管理系统,忠实地实现这些先进的管理理念。本文介绍了教务管理系统的发展状况和现状,新系统采用的技术框架,着重阐述了新系统的需求和设计架构、本人在系统设计和开发过程中所参与的工作和研究内容,特别是在系统性能优化方面所做的努力。本文主要研究教务管理系统的系统管理模块的设计和性能优化问题,并设计了一个基于B/S和C/S混合架构的开发模式。系统采用的开发技术是Struts架构和Hibernate技术。系统设计主要包括功能模块设计和后台数据库的设计。基于B/S模式的功能模块包括:教学计划管理、开课计划管理、选课管理、学籍管理、成绩管理、基础信息数据、系统管理、教学资源管理、教师测评、双学位管理等。基于C/S模式的功能模块包括:排课管理、考场安排管理。本文重点研究了系统性能优化问题,其创新点主要表现在选课性能的优化上,多用户并发的瓶颈问题在原有系统中是无法解决的。我们分析了设计初期选课系统拥堵、无法及时响应用户请求、服务器CPU使用负荷过重、内存耗尽直至死机等原因,经过详细地测试和分析,充分发挥软硬件资源配置的优势,内部系统访问数据库的SQL语句采用存储过程改写,外部硬件资源采用裸设备重新配置服务器等新的策略,显著地提高了选课的性能,并在实际运用中获得了满意的效果。尤其是存储过程和裸设备的运用,是本系统解决性能问题的一大特色。

【Abstract】 Xiamen University holds the first national key discipline of higher education which has brought forward a series of in-depth management concepts. The design of educational management system is significant for improving the level of educational administration. The original system of educational administration in Xiamen University has been unable to meet the requirements of teaching methodology reform. In order to completely implement these advanced management concepts, a novel educational management system has been designed and implemented. The thesis introduces the development of educational management systems and the technical framework used in the novel system. The focuses of this thesis include the analysis of new requirements, the design and the implementation of the novel system, as well as the efforts for optimizing the system performance.The thesis has studied the design of function modules in the educational management system and the optimization of the system performance. The novel system uses two main technologies: Struts and Hibernate. It adopts a hybrid model of architecture development, which combines the B / S and C / S hybrid modes. The system design consists of two parts: the function modules and the database. The function modules based on the B / S mode include: management of teaching program, management of offered courses, management of course registration, management of student records, management of student scores, management of basic data, management of system, management of teaching resources, management of teacher evaluation, management of double degree . The function modules based on the C / S mode are designed to arrange curriculum schedule and the examinations room.The thesis has optimized the system performance. The contribution of performance optimization concentrates on the management of course registration. The optimization technologies are used to solve an inefficient problem in the original system. The reasons to the network congestion when registering courses are firstly discussed, for example, the long delay of service response, the overloading of CPU and the exhausted memory in server. After carefully testing and analyzing , the thesis has proposed two main approaches, which take advantages of hardware and software resources configuration, to improve the system performance: (1) the usage of stored procedures instead of SQL statements, (2) the reconfiguration of the advanced server with raw device using the new strategy. These approaches have been validated since they can significantly improve the system performance in the real application. Especially, the usages of stored procedures and raw devices play important roles to solve the performance problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

