

Redevelopment of Senior High Required Chemical Textbook

【作者】 王峰

【导师】 王祖浩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 化学教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 化学新课程实施以来,教材从传统的“以知识为中心”转向“以学生发展为本”,基于化学新课程理念的化学课堂教学设计越来越受到关注。随着教材地位与功能的转变,传统“教教材”的观念正在为“用教材教”的观念所取代。在课程改革的背景下,教师被赋予了“二次开发”教材的权利,运用教材进行创造性教学已成为教师的必然选择。然而一线教师对化学课堂教学的二次开发中的“应然”与“实然”状态之间仍有较大的距离。对此,笔者确定研究视角为必修教材的“二次开发”,尝试解答如何实施必修教材“二次开发”问题,旨在为一线教师提供理论认识和实践操作的指导。研究共分五部分,内容概括如下:引言阐明了选题的原因,指出基于学科思想的“二次开发”既是应对新教材教学的必然结果,也是教师自身发展的迫切需求。第一章以江苏教育出版社出版的《化学1》教材为例,分析教材整体框架和各专题的具体编写思路,推理隐藏其中的化学学科思想和方法,这是教材“二次开发”的立足点。第二章和第三章如何实施教材“二次开发”是本论文研究的重点和核心,通过具体案例分析教材“二次开发”的根本目的、具体功能、方法技巧和决策过程,指出“二次开发”要以课程标准为依据,以教学活动为导向,以促进学生发展为宗旨,提出教材“二次开发”是一个循环往复的过程。第四章从课程标准、教材、教师和学生四个层面出发,反思“二次开发”中出现的问题,指出教师应创造性的开发和使用教材,引导学生在活动中领悟教材内容,充分发挥教材促进学生发展的功能,也揭示了教材“二次开发”中教师角色转换的意义。

【Abstract】 Since the implementation of chemical curriculum reform,the textbook has been shifted focus from the traditionally "knowledge-centered" notion to the "students’ development-oriented".The instruction design for chemical class-teaching attracts more and more attention,which is based on the idea of new chemical curriculum. With the transition of the role and function of textbooks,the traditional idea of teaching textbooks has been replaced by the idea of using textbooks.The curriculum reform has empowered teachers to redevelop textbooks,and it’s quite necessary for teachers to use textbooks creatively during the process of teaching.But most frontline teachers feel the distance between the ’should be’ and ’being’ of textbook redevelopment and the instruction design for chemical classroom teaching.The author tries to probe into this issue from the standpoint of required textbook redevelopment. This master’s thesis,aiming at answering this question,intends to supply some theoretical and practical guidance for teachers.This master’s thesis includes five parts in all:In the introduction the reasons for this selected topic were explained.It was pointed out that the textbook redevelopment based on the characteristics and goals of chemistry discipline turns out to be not only an inevitable trend on the new curriculum reform background,but the strong demand of both teachers and students’ self-development.The first chapter focuses on the textbook analysis,which serves as the starting point for the redevelopment,through the analysis of chemistry I of Jiangsu Education edition.The principles,functions and approaches of textbook redevelopment is involved in the second chapter.The third chapter is the core of the master’s thesis,which centers on how to redevelop textbooks systematically,discussing the strategies and techniques of the redevelopment..It is also suggested that textbook should be redeveloped in accordance with the curriculum standard,oriented by teaching activities and aimed at students’ development.The forth chapter reflect teachers’ responses to textbooks.Teachers are required to creatively explore and utilize textbooks to build their meaning for students through their own positive and active activities and promote their function to promote students’ development to the full play.In this chapter,what textbook redevelopment


