

On the Social Classes of Anglo-Saxon England

【作者】 孙银钢

【导师】 沈坚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着罗马人在不列颠统治的结束,来自欧洲大陆北部的日耳曼部落继而迁居不列颠,其中占据主体的是盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人等三个部落,常常被统称作“盎格鲁-撒克逊人”。伴随着征服活动的完成和皈依基督教,以及抵抗丹麦人入侵的活动,盎格鲁-撒克逊人已经建构起英格兰民族的基础部分。因此,考察盎格鲁-撒克逊社会结构的演进,有助于我们更深地认识这个时代和它对后世的影响。本文着重选取社会等级这个角度,来考察盎格鲁-撒克逊英格兰社会。首先要梳理出社会各等级内部的构成,再论述各等级的演变和地位变迁,最后总结出社会等级演进的特征。全文由绪论、正文和结语三个部分构成。第一部分为绪论:主要包括对国内外研究的状况的梳理和总结,以及盎格鲁-撒克逊史述略和法典概要等背景内容的叙述。第二部分为正文,共由三章构成。第一章主要探讨贵族等级的情况,着重论述厄德曼、格塞特和塞恩等三种贵族等级。第二章主要探讨普通自由民和非自由民等级的情况:首先论述了早期刻尔的情况;紧接着阐释刻尔的衰落,以及格尼特、科特塞拉和格布尔等群体;然后对非自由民等级的概况予以考察,着重分析了奴隶的来源和释放问题。第三章试图总结整个时代社会等级演进的特征,论述了贵族等级中依附关系和普通自由民的依附等情况,认为盎格鲁-撒克逊晚期社会等级关系中已经出现封建制的萌芽。第三部分为结语,主要是文章的一些总结和余论。

【Abstract】 By the end of Roman-Britain, many Germans from the northern Europe migrated into the Britain. These peoples were mainly from three tribes, that is the Angels, Saxons and Jutes, which had been called Anglo-Saxons. By the completion of conquest and conversion to Christianity, as well as the resistant activities of Danish invasion, the basis of English people had been constructed by the Anglo-Saxons. Therefore, researching the evolution of social structure is very useful for us to understand the Anglo-Saxon era and its affection on the following history.This article will make a analysis of the social classes of Anglo-Saxon England. First, it is very important to investigate the various ranks of the society, then discuss the evolution of various ranks, and finally summarize the characteristic of the evolution of social classes.The thesis is divided into three parts: exordium, test and epilogue.The exordium consists of three sections. The first section concludes the history of the research about the social classes of Anglo-Saxon England, the thread of this paper and the sources. The second section is the concise history of Anglo-Saxon England. The last section is the compendium of Anglo-Saxon laws.The test is also divided into three parts. Chapter one discusses the nobility of Anglo-Saxon England, and mainly narrates the ealdorman, gesith and thegn. Chapter two discusses the free and non-free peoples. First of all, narrates the general situation of the ceorl in early era, then expatiates the decline of ceorl and describes the geneat, kotesetla and gebur. The next is about the slaves, and mainly discusses the source and manumission of the slaves. Chapter three is to summarize the characteristic about the evolution of the social ranks, mainly discusses the lordship within the nobility and the dependency of simple freemen. At last, it will be concludes that there was budding of feudalism in social relationship Norman Conquest.The last part is epilogue, in this section some other words about this thesis will be discussed.

【关键词】 盎格鲁-撒克逊英格兰社会等级封建制
【Key words】 Anglo-SaxonEnglandSocial ClassesFeudalism
  • 【分类号】K561
  • 【下载频次】297

