

The Effects of the Governmental Transition Towards Educational Policies in 21st Century

【作者】 丰崎本子

【导师】 赵中建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 日本在进入21世纪以后,从2000年到现在(2009年3月、笔者注)不足9年之间,包括2000年4月离任的小渊惠三在内,日本已换了6届内阁,这无论是在日本近代史上还是在其他经济发达国家中,实属异常罕见。十年树木,百年树人,虽然治国治人的根本在于教育,但是随着政权的频繁更迭,日本的一系列政策,包括教育政策也随着政治家的政治理念甚至是政治需要而发生变化,频繁的政权更迭使国家的教育基本政策从制定到贯彻执行都产生了脱节的问题。本论文的研究意义在于着眼进入日本在进入21世纪后不足9年间更迭了6届内阁的异常现象,并针对其中在2006年日本对《教育基本法》进行了近60年来首次修改的这一重大历史事件,采用第一手日文原始资料,阐述日本战后长达38年在自由民主党(以下简称“自民党”)一党执政下,以及1993年以后在以自民党为主体的连立政权下的教育政策的演变与相关的政治历史背景;分析研究日本的政治及政权更迭对教育政策的形成、教育制度的实施、及教育改革的实行所产生的影响。本论文运用文献研究法、比较分析法和个案分析法等研究手法,以掌握的原始资料为基础,主要从三个方面就政权更迭对教育政策的影响进行分析研究。首先,通过梳理分析过去近60年来日本自民党主导政权下的教育政策所产生的政治背景,并着重剖析近6届日本内阁的政治公约及教育政策,对教育政策的诞生过程进行纵向的分析比较为今后国内研究21世纪初的日本教育改革和政策变化提供系统性的资料;其次,通过对被称为“教育内阁”的安倍内阁从成立到解散的过程及著名的日本新《教育基本法》的修改内容进行个案分析,研究论证日本《教育基本法》的修改宗旨和意义,分析在日本政治权利结构间的争斗对教育政策制定带来的影响,揭示日本教育政策的制定和问世的实质;最后,对现任首相麻生太郎的混沌政局及即将面临的内阁竞选,把自民党的教育政策与目前势力日趋强大的以小泽一郎为代表的民主党及其他政党的政治公约中的教育政策进行横向的分析比较,研究探讨日本教育政策贯彻实行的动向,预测日本教育改革的未来。

【Abstract】 After the onset of 21st century, Japan has exchanged their cabinet six times within the period of less than nine years. Not only is this factor shocking for Japan itself but it is also unusual within majority of the MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries).There is a proverb which states that it takes ten years to grow a tree and a century to raise a human. However, well developed human resources are the foundation to flourish a nation; because of the unstable government and governmental demands, an educational policy which affects an individual’s future is often unsteady in the situation of frequent cabinet transition. This devastation is also causing to delay the process of enforcing aforementioned policies.The researching objective of this paper focuses upon the abnormal cabinet transition, as well as the change of the "Basic of Education Law" in 2006 for the first time after 60 years since the war; by applying original resources in Japanese, with The Liberal-Democratic Party political power which has been in control of the Japanese government for over 60 years post-war. It also analyzes the change within the Japanese educational policies tied with the historical backgrounds; the effects of Japanese government, as well as the governmental transitions, leading to the creation and the enforcement of the educational policies.The researching procedure of this paper consists of documental research, systematic analyze method, and case-study method which are effectively used, with the basis of original resources, to analyze the effects of governmental transition towards educational policies from three different directions.The first topic discusses educational policies introduced during the past 60 years by The Liberal-Democratic Party and its governmental backgrounds, which are thoroughly organized into a timeline; especially the six governmental transitions since the 21st century, which are compared and analyzed. This also leaves a primary translated original resource for further research in this field.Secondly, the paper follows through the process of the ABE Cabinet establishment, which was also referred to as the Education Cabinet, to its end. It also inspects the historical occurrence of amending the "Basic of Education Law". It compares and analyzes the differences of the new "Basic of Education Law" now and then, which will lead to a further investigation of the reality of law-amending and the veracity of the Japanese educational policies’ creation and implement through such occurrence.The conclusion would focus on the current ASO Cabinet’s lost governing as well as the possibility of another election in front of our eyes. It would compare and analyze the Liberal-Democratic Party with other governmental party’s manifesto and will hypothesize the result of Japanese educational policies from the new governmental development.

  • 【分类号】G531.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】285

