

The Game of Risk Factors and Protective Factors in the Growth of Youth

【作者】 陈刚

【导师】 韩晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 社会学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文通过把正面发展的理念与方法运用于初中生全人发展培育之中,旨在总结青少年正面发展计划于上海试点学校推进的初步实践经验,以检验与修正青少年正面成长计划的实施效果与适用范围;有利于从理论上促进青少年发展理念与方法的学术探讨,对于改进青少年发展的分析研究具有较为重要的启迪意义;有利于在实践中丰富和完善青少年全人发展的培育体系,更为有效地协助青少年增加发展过程中的保护因素,并同时降低期间可能面临的危险因素。本文的研究视角是从促进初中生全人发展的目的出发,以青少年社会工作的视野,用危险-保护因素分析模型来探讨正面发展的理念与方法应用于初中生全人发展领域的可能性、必要性和可行性问题。本文采用的研究方法有文献研究方法、行动研究方法,通过分阶段定期评估正面发展计划的实施反馈,以问卷测量形式搜集培育计划的定量反馈,并用两独立样本非参数检验统计方法评估正面发展计划的效用。本文研究发现:通过行动研究对正面发展计划的推进效用进行评估后得出:正面发展计划在个人层面上能显著提高被试初中学生的认知能力、情绪控制和表达能力、采取行动能力;在朋辈层面上能显著提高被试初中学生与益友的联系能力、社交能力及认同正面行为的能力;在学校层面能显著提高被试初中学生与教师的联系能力、参与集体生活的能力、遵从学校制度及参与公益活动的能力;个人、朋辈、学校层面发展能力的提升有助于促进被试学生全人发展的实现。本文由五个部分组成:第一部分侧重介绍正面发展计划的目标、内容、意义、推进特点和行动过程;第二部分从认知、行动、情绪等九个方面评估青少年正面发展计划在被试初中学生个人层面的发展效用;第二部分从社交能力、正面行为认同等五个方面评估青少年正面发展计划在被试初中学生朋辈层面的发展效用;第四部分从亲社会规范、在校表现及学习满意度等八个方面评估青少年正面发展计划在被试初中学生学校层面的发展效用;第五部分综合分析正面发展计划在个人、朋辈、学校三个层面上的实施效用,以此评估正面发展计划在推进初中学生全人发展上的效用。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the concepts and methods of the positive development used to cultivate the holistic development of junior high school students, aimed at summing up the positive youth development plan in a pilot school in Shanghai to promote the initial practical experience, to test the effects of the positive youth development and to amend the scope of application of the plan; It is conducive to promoting the theoretical concepts and the methods of youth development academic research, for research to improve the analysis of the youth development with more important inspiration; In practice, it will help enrich and improve youth holistic development cultivation system, and it is more effective in helping young people increase the protective factors of the youth development, and at the same time reduce the potential risk factors.The perspective of this article is to promote the holistic development of the junior high school students with the vision of social work, using the analysis model of risk-protection factors to explore the concepts and methods of positive youth development used in the field of junior high school students’ holistic development and discuss the possibility and feasibility of the plan.The research methods of this paper are literature research method and action research method, through a phased development plan regularly to assess the implementation of the plan’s feedback, using the questionnaire to collect measurements of the program’s quantitative feedback and using two independent samples of non-parametric test of statistical method to assess the effectiveness of positive youth development program.The conclusions of this article: the adoption of action research to promote the positive youth development come after an assessment of the effectiveness: The positive development program at the personal level can significantly increase cognitive competence, emotional competence and behavioral competence of the test junior high school students; At the peer level can significantly increase the bonding with the faithful friends, social competence and the ability to recognize positive behavior of the test junior high school students; At the school level can significantly increase the bonding with teachers, the ability to participate in collective life, the ability to comply with the school system and the ability to participate in public welfare activities of the test junior high school students; The development of personal, peer and school level contribute to the promotion of the realization of holistic development of the junior high school students.This article consists of five parts: the first part focusing on the goal, content, significance, characteristics and actions to promote the process of the positive youth development; the second part to assess the effectiveness of individual level of positive youth development from the cognitive competence, behavioral competence, emotional competence and other six aspects; the third part to assess the effectiveness of peer level of positive youth development from the social competence, the ability to recognize positive behavior and other three aspects; the fourth part to assess the effectiveness of school level of positive youth development from the moral competence, school performance, learning satisfaction and other five aspects; the fifth part to assess the comprehensive effectiveness of the individual, peer and school level of the positive youth development, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of positive development program in promoting the holistic development of junior high school students.

  • 【分类号】C913.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】345

