

The Regulation of Administrative Law to the Temporary Agency

【作者】 李欢

【导师】 田成刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 非常设机构是为了完成综合性、临时性任务而设立的具有行政管理职能的跨地区、跨部门的组织协调机构。非常设机构存在的意义就在于当常设机构权力行使不能、不便时,暂时的行使某项权力,管理某些事务。在我国,内容涉及非常设机构的法律文本大都是国务院制定的行政法规及各地人民政府制定的地方规章。在人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定的法律中,却找不到相关规定。所以现有的关于非常设机构设置的内容缺少“法律”上的依据。另外,在已有的内容涉及非常设机构的法律文本中,鲜有非法设立、不当设立非常设机构法律责任的条款。代议机关的缺位与规制系统的不完善导致行政机构急剧膨胀、常设机构职能受限、行政效率严重降低、腐败案件层出不穷等一系列消极后果。依法治国的关键是依法行政,而依法行政的关键在于责任制度的科学构建与有效落实。因此,构建完善的非常设机构行政法规制体系、加强非常设机构的管理无疑是极具现实意义的重要课题。本文的总体结构如下:首先是引言部分。在引言部分,本人提出非常设机构行政法制规制研究这一选题的意义、研究的现状、重要概念说明等内容;第一章是非常设机构概述。在这一部分,阐述了非常设机构的概念等基本问题,为进一步对其分析打下基础。第二章是非常设机构的现状及成因分析。在说明非常设机构大量设立的现实危害后分析各种非理性的设立动因。第三章是非常设机构行政法规制的必要性。从理论与实践两个角度阐释对非常设机构进行行政法规制的意义。第四部分是非常设机构行政法规制的比较分析。第五部分是非常设机构行政法规制体系的构建。针对存在的不足提出完善的建议。

【Abstract】 The temporary agency is an organization which established for temporary duty or emergencies. The significance of establishing this organization is to compensate the administrative inability and inconvinence. In China, most legal documents which concerned temporary agency are central and local administrative regulation ruled by governments at all levels. It’ s rare to find similar rules in law legislated by NPC and its Standing Committee. What’ s more, there are few articles regards to legal obligation of those improper or illegal setting temporary agencies in existing correlative law. The imperfect control system lead the sharp inflation of adminstrative power, the restriction of standing department, the low efficency of adminstration, even the uncontrollable corruption. Currently, the research on the temporary agency from the perspective of the law is less than from political science, administrative management science and other aspects. This paper which based on the view of administrative law analyzes the supervision of temporary agency, hoping to find a path to supervise. It’ s vital to adminstrate according to law, while its key are based on whether the liability can be established correctly and implemented effectually. Therefore,it has real importance to integrate adminstrative regulation system and to reinforce the management of those temporary agencies.The whole article contains five parts. The first part is mainly about the basic theory of temporary agency. The second part is the present situation and reason of temporary agency. The third part is the necessity of the regulation of administrative law to the temporary agency. From both practical and theoretical angles explain the significance of the regulation of administrative law to the temporary agency. The forth part is draw lessons from abroad about the regulation of administrative law to the temporary agency. The last part builds the controlling system.

【关键词】 非常设机构行政法规制
【Key words】 temporary agencyrule of administrative law
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【下载频次】128

